Time/ shopping for Hogwarts

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When the time came to go to Hogwarts the founders and Merlin were happy with his progress. They also decided to make him their heirs. He accepted, his name then became Hadrian Andreas Potter-Villarreal-Vaughn-Hildebrand-Acosta-Moreno-Nightengan-Page-Garcia-Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw-Gryffindor-Slytherin-Emrys.

The Xstate men and his parents were pleasantly surprised.


Third Person's P.O.V.

Today was the day when Hadrian would receive his letter from Hogwarts because today is his eleventh birthday. A few people had already gathered at Villarreal manor and were waiting with fainted breath. The people present so far have gathered in the manor living room at six o'clock in the morning. Harry wasn't even in the land of the living yet, he was sound asleep.

Hadrian was woken this morning by his dad jumping onto his gigantic bed next to the little boy. Which scared the hell out of him, which then caused him to jump about a meter, which resulted in a little boy-shaped heap landing on the soft carpeted bedroom floor.

The grouchy new 11-year-old begrudgingly got up off of the floor and climbed back into the bed. Instead of yelling or at least glaring at Andreas he just snuggled into his father. After all, it was only half-past six in the morning.

Andreas just chuckled and hugged his favourite little boy into his chest. Not long after this Harry was back asleep with Andreas closely following. This is what Gabriella saw when she went to see what was taking Dries so long. He'd been gone for an hour when she went to see why he was taking so long. She knew it took a while to wake him up but never this long.

"Hey, you two wake up. Harry, your Hogwarts letter is going to come soon." Gabriella said, shaking her favourite boys. But quickly realized that waking them up like that wasn't going to work.

"Honey, come on, wake up. Everyones waiting downstairs for you to bring Rian down." Gabi whispered next to Andreas's ear, taping his face lightly to speed up the process of waking him up.

"Alright, alright. We'll be down in 5 minutes tops." Andreas grumbled waking him up. He then peaked Gabi's lips and started to wake his son up.

"Okay, I'll be waiting with the others in the family living room. Don't be too long." Gabi whispered back to her husband, kissed his cheek, and left the room. Throughout this whole convocation, Rian just cuddled further into his father's chest.

Once the bedroom door was closed Andreas turned his full attention to the little boy peacefully sleeping on and cuddling into his chest. He smiled at Harry, he hasn't held his son like this since he was 9. He missed it.

"Time to wake up, sweetheart. Everyone's waiting for us." Andreas whispered lovingly into Rian's ear, shaking his shoulder lightly.

Hadrian woke up to the sound of his father's voice in his ear, to which he let out a whine and clung closer to his father. Harry's behaviour caused Andreas to chuckle at his antics. But instead of trying to wake him again.  Andreas got up off of the bed and picked Harry up and set him on his hip.

Hadrian just cuddled into Andreas again, resting his head on his shoulder. Andreas made his way down to the family living room where everyone was waiting, during this time Harry fell back asleep. As soon as Andreas and Harry reached the living room everyone instantly started to 'coo' and 'aww' at the father-son duo.

Andreas looked around the room to see who was here since there were more people here now than before the first time he went to wake Harry. In the living room were Gabriella, Petunia, Vernon, Dudley, Arabella, Axel, Felix, Idris, Benjamin, Nickolas, Ezra, Elijah, Andreas's parents Anastasia and Ambrose, as well as Gabriella's parents Seraphina and Silvanus, and four people he's never seen before. Because Andreas didn't know the four mystery four adults were he instinctively held Rian closer to himself.

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