When the twins were born

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The next thing you know Peter was unconscious on the floor, whilst Remus and James were trying to calm Sirius down and get him to stop jumping around like a toddler. Which proved more difficult than you'd think, it would be. It was a funny sight to see, a 21-year-old jumping around, with two other 21-year-olds trying to get him to stop.

Lily ran over to Peter to see if he was okay. And started to shout at the other three men. That were still jumping around like little kids.

"Stop being idiots for like to minutes and help me!" Lily shouted just loud enough to get their attention.

As soon as she said this James, Remus, and Sirius stopped immediately and walked over to Lily, and Peter to see what has happened. James and Sirius started to panic because they didn't know what to do.

Remus just took off his jacket and placed it under Peter's head. Whilst Lily tried to get James and Sirius to calm down and to stop panicking.

Once they were calm they all bent down and looked at Peter. Then out of nowhere, Sirius grabs a glass of water and throws it over, Peter. This causes him to wake up with a start. Which earned a series of "SIRIUS!". But also a smack on the arm by Lily.

When he wakes up and looks around, he only sees the worried looks of his friends, and said, "sorry, it was just a lot to take in, I wasn't expecting something like that." Peter explained, looking down embarrassed.

Lily just patted his back, smiling warmly, and said, "Oh don't worry about it, we understand." After this statement was made James helped Peter get off of the floor and into a chair.

Time skip to July 31st, 1980

On the night of July 31st, Lily Violet Potter went into labor. With her husband James Fleamont Potter at her side. Whilst their closest friends were waiting in the waiting room of St Mungo's hospital. They were all excited to meet the second and third children born into the small group of friends. The Longbottoms were the first to have a child. They named him Neville Frank Longbottom. 

Lily Violet Potter is a beautiful, smart, and caring young woman. Her perfectly, shiny, wavy red hair stuck to her forehead due to her sweating. With her pale green eyes reflecting nothing but love, and care, couldn't wait to meet her children, that she's been carrying for nine months.

Whereas James Fleamont Potter, an energetic, loud, athletic young man, wasn't as calm. His usually neat hair was a mess and his hazel eyes clouded with excitement, yet worry for his beautiful young wife.

Sirius, Remus, Peter, Alice, and Frank sat in the hospital waiting room to find out if the babies are healthy and also the gender of the twins. You see James and Lily wanted it to be a surprise. Luckily Frank's mother could look after Neville whilst they were at the hospital with the Potters.

Lily was hoping for a girl and a boy considering they only knew they were having twins. But James was hoping for two boys. Sirius, like James, was hoping for two little boys. Remus was the only one of the friends that wanted two little girls, but he doesn't have his heart set on it. Peter and Frank said they would be happy with whatever, that they will love them no matter the gender of the twins. Though everyone will love the twins no matter their gender. And Alice was hoping for one of each like Lily as they say 'us girls gotta stick together', because of the fact that it's only them against 5 guys.

Though they had names picked out for every situation. If it's two girls the oldest one would be called Blair Lorelei and the youngest one would be called Devan Isabella. If it is two boys they would call the oldest twin Hunter James and the youngest twin Hadrian Sirius. But if it's one of each, they would choose the name that they think would suit that particular baby.

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