First 8 years of life

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For the rest of the day, the Villarreal's and their new son sat in the open den and watched muggle children films. That Hadrian seemed to enjoy. Of course, they had snacks and drinks. Hadrian was sat on Andreas's lap with his snake on his own lap. Andreas was holding Hadrian still with one arm and had the other one around Gabriella.


Third Person's P.O.V.

Hadrian soon fell asleep on Andreas, with a tight hold on his index finger. Andreas soon followed and fell asleep still holding both Hadrian and Gabriella. The two boys were sound asleep, Gabriella was watching the ending of the film.

Once the film had ended, Gabriella noticed straight away that Hadrian and Andreas were holding on to one another. Gabi silently 'awwed' at the adorable sight. 'I have to get a picture' Gabi thought. Petunia, Vernon, and Arabella will never believe this if I don't get proof.

So she slid out of Andreas's grip and went to find the camera. Once she found it she came back down, only to find that Andreas and Hadrian had moved, in order to be more comfortable. Andreas was now laying on his back across the couch on his back, with Hadrian laying on his front on Andreas's chest. His snake curled near Hadrian's head. Gabriella took many pictures of the two. As she was also going to frame the picture and keep it forever. She was also going to give a copy to the Dursleys and Arabella Figg. Even after that, she had a few extra copies.

Time skip to the next morning.

They all went down to the ministry and filed for the blood adoption. Whilst the ministry workers were processing the paperwork of the adoption and the name change. They went to do the ritual at Gringotts.

To say the goblins were shocked would be an understatement. They didn't know that Lord and Lady Potter had more than one child. But before they could follow through with the ritual, they needed to get the signatures from Hadrian's current guardians.

Which the head of the Potter affairs, Griphook, told Gabriella and Andreas that they'd send a letter to Lord and Lady Potter to get their signatures. When they told him that they weren't Hadrian's guardians he was well beyond just being shocked. He was confused.

That's when Andreas explained what had previously happened between Hadrian and his birth parents. Andreas explained because he knew that if Gabriella did she would burst into tears halfway through. That his current guardians are Lily's muggle sister and her husband. It would be safe to say that Griphook was absolutely appalled. How could they send a magical child, to live with muggles. Who no doubt struggled with the idea of magic.

That's when Andreas suggested that he go and get the signatures of both Petunia and Vernon. Which everyone agreed to. Both of the Dursleys happily gave their signatures to Andreas. When he got back they went ahead with the blood adoption of Hadrian to Andreas and Gabriella. Though whilst they did that with the ritual goblin and Hadrian, Griphook went to the goblin king and informed him of the transgressions that had taken place within his office just a few moments previously.

Hadrian's appearance didn't change too much. His eyes changed shape slightly, they are a little more like an oval shape than they were before. And even though he was small before he became just a little bit smaller. Other than that he still looked the same. Which wasn't too shocking because he already looked a lot like Andreas. He just possessed Gabriella's paler skin tone. Though they would soon come to realize that he grew rather quick.

Everyone was just ecstatic. The Potter's had no idea that Hadrian had been adopted, as far as they were aware he was being watched over by Petunia and her husband. They were held within a blissful silence. They changed his name from Hadrian Sirius Potter to Hadrian Andreas Potter-Villarreal. They wanted Hadrian to know where he came from and what had happened. They wouldn't keep that big of a secret from their little boy.

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