New schools

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A/N- Happy New Year everyone. Hope you all stay happy and healthy. Also sorry for the slow updates. I've got tons of mock exams and assessments to do. Any suggestions would also be appreciated. 


Before Lily or anyone else could reply Andreas spoke up, "you know what I'm sick of all this arguing, you Lilian Potter trying to steal my son after what you did to him all those years ago. Headmaster Dumbledore we are withdrawing Hadrian from your school. I'm not having him in this toxic environment. Especially when you, headmaster are trying to manipulate Rian into forgiving Lilian and abandoning us."

Everyone including Gabriella, Axel, Felix and Nickolas started at Andreas gobsmacked. No one saw this coming.


Third Person's P.O.V

"Andreas, you can't be serious!" Gabriella hissed at her husband. Andreas just calmly turned to face Gabriella and simply explained his reasoning again.

"Yes, I'm more than serious Gabi. Harry isn't safe staying here even with Nick and Felix here. Besides, do you really think Harry would run and hide for no reason, I know my son and something must have happened. On top of this, he wouldn't have run far; this proves that the headmaster and some of the staff here don't really care for the safety of their students. They only care and worry about their favourites, pupils mainly in Gryffindor or the ones that'll blindly follow their every whim. This isn't a place for my son."

This is what got Headmaster Dumbledore out of his splendour. "Mr Villarreal, you don't mean to imply that my school is unsafe for the children, do you? Hogwarts is the safest place for young witches and wizards to be. Furthermore, all my staff and I all care for the students and their safety the same, no matter the house they belong to." Dumbledore said extremely condescendingly. 

"Are you really going to argue that this is the safest place? My nephew went missing last night and not one of your staff noticed. You only became aware of a child going missing when a student noticed and informed you. After this you didn't even have the decency to contact said child parents-" Axel said taking a seat in front of Dumbledore.

"Oh that is where you are wrong, I informed Lord and Lady Potter that their son was missing " Dumbledore interrupted arrogantly with his head held high.

"- I wasn't finished. Moreover, his parents aren't Lord and Lady Potter, they are Lord and Lady Villarreal. Furthermore, they are here because two members of your staff knew that they should be here since THEIR son went missing on your watch. This is why people are losing faith in Hogwarts; the headmaster doesn't even know who a child parents are even though it's in their file, as well as being common knowledge through the child's name." Axel concluded.

Though before Dumbledore could reply Felix spoke up drawing everyone's attention to him, "If you wish Gabi, Dries, or even any of us with the knowledge of what happened when he was 9, could take this 'misjudgement' as the headmaster will call it, to court. We could sue Professor Dumbledore for child endangerment and a failure to inform you guys when he found out Ry had gone missing." 

This left Headmaster Dumbledore, Lily and James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Severus Snape gasping. Though Snape's face didn't change outwardly. Not only because they are threatening a lawsuit against Albus Dumbledore that could ruin his reputation and damage the lights support in the war. 

Everyone was also left confused about what Felix had said about when Hadrian was 9 years old.

Severus Snape's P.O.V

I knew something was off with this whole thing. He even lied to me about calling the boy's parents. That's just despicable. I must say that Dumbledore deserves to be sued, what was going through his head. What kind of headteacher doesn't inform parents that their child has gone missing. Not only that but telling people who have nothing to do with it first, without even considering telling the child parents. 

"Professor, when I informed you that no one knew where Mr Potter-Villarreal had gotten to, you told me you had spoken to Lord and Lady Villarreal. You told me that they didn't care where he was that he'd turn up once he got hungry and to just leave it. Then, you go and call your favourites thinking that they are more important them the people who raised the child."

Third Person's P.O.V

"Dries cover Hadrian's ears-" Andreas did that, despite how confused he was by Axel's request. Also, the fact that Hadrian was asleep.  

"You're now lying to your staff about the measures you took when a child was reported missing to you. You never spoke to Gabriella or Andreas, though you claim to your staff that you did. There's absolutely no way I'm leaving our little boy anywhere near you ever again. So, as Andreas said earlier we're pulling Hadrian out of your school. You senile old bastard." Axel rated getting more and more aggressive. 

With that Axel stood up and walked over to the father-son duo, and picked up Harry. Turning to Dumbledore Axel growled, "You'll regret what you've done Dumbledore. All of you will regret what you've done to this sweet innocent boy". With that being said he walked out cradling Harry's head to his neck. 

Felix, Nickolas, Andreas, and Gabriella all followed him out throwing discussed looks over their shoulders at the headmaster and Lady Potter. 

Soon the Villarreals, Axel, Nickolas, and Felix were all back in Felix's quarters discussing what they should do now. Whether they should home school Hadrian or look into other magical schools. 

"I think we should look into other magic schools that will accept transfer students this early in the year. Also, before we decide anything I think we should get Rian's opinion and see if there's anywhere he wants to go." Said Felix. 

"Well, none of us have any other school experiences as we all attended Hogwarts. But I know of a few other magical schools, but if he's unable to attend any of the schools we can always continue to home school Harry. Since he is ahead of everyone his own age anyway." Inputted Benjamin. 

"Okay well, it's always good to have a backup plan, what are the schools you know of?" Asked Gabriella. 

"Okay, well there's Beauxbatons Academy of magic, Durmstrang Institute, IIvermorny, Castleobruxo, Mahoutokoro school of magic, and Uagadou school of magic." Listed Benjamin. 

"Okay well I think we should drop 3 of the schools since they are in foreign countries Rain hasn't spent that much time in and it will make him uncomfortable," Idris suggested.

"That makes sense. You are on about Casleobruxo, Mahoutokoro school of magic, and Uagadou school of magic, aren't you?" questioned Elijah, and received a nod in return.

"Okay, well we'll wait for Hadrian to wake up and ask which school he wants to go to and then make a decision." Said Gabriella.

Everyone sat down in the living room and waited for Harry to wake up. 


Which school do you think Hadrian should attend?

Beauxbatons Academy of magic

Durmstrang Institute


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