Talking To Arabella Figg

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Previously -
Now that he's awake I fed him the warm bottle of milk I had just made for him and then changed him. Then got him settled into his new homes.


Third Peron's P.O.V

Harry was confused, who are these people, and why were they being so nice. Where's the nice friendly snake that kept him warm last night. Where are his mummy and daddy? Where's Paddy? This nice woman was warm and made him feel safe.

Soon he was being rocked to sleep in the nice woman's arms. Petunia was looking down at her adorable little nephew as he was struggling to stay awake. Soon those amazing vibrant green eyes started to close.

Petunia then took Hadrian up to her and Vernon's room and laid him on their bed surrounded by pillows so that he doesn't fall off.

Vernon's P.O.V

I am beyond angry with Lilian and that good-for-nothing husband of hers. How could they do that to a poor defenseless child? Their child. He's so cute, those breath-taking eyes, unlike anything anyone has ever seen.

How could their other child ever be better than that little boy? Pet is in her element having another little child to take care of. And for that, I am happy. Even though the circumstances.

She then came back downstairs from putting little Hadrian to bed. She turned to me and said;

"He's asleep now, so do you think we should look for magical guardians for him or non-magical?" She asked me full of curiosity.

"I'm not exactly sure. Maybe magical so he can know more about where he comes from. But I don't know how to go about that." I said with great seriousness, whilst leaning against my arm in thought.

Petunia's P.O.V

Vernon has a point, what if they just take the poor little boy back to Lilian and Jameson. Or what if they hurt him? Or even abandon him on a street corner? Maybe they'll use the poor little babe to get closer to his brother and his disgraceful family.

"Yeah, you have a good point, Vernon. But how do we go about that?" I say whilst looking straight into his eyes.

"How about that woman that lives down the road, Figg or something like that," Vernon said quite cheerfully. I forgot about her.

"I forgot that she was a squib but yes, her name is Arabella Figg. We could ask her." I said slowly as I was thinking about it, but then added;

"Maybe we could invite her round for tea and explain the situation to her. Then ask if she knows of any witches or wizards looking to adopt a child."

"That's a good plan, we could write a letter to her and put it through her door. Whilst I do that maybe you could make those delicious cupcakes you make all of the time." Vernon said with a loving smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll get on that, you go write that letter to Mrs. Figg." And off Vernon went, whilst I made my way to the kitchen to make a start on the cupcakes.

Third Person's P.O.V

Dudley was playing with his toy cars in the living room. Vernon at the desk in the living room writing the letter to Mrs. Fidd. Petunia making cupcakes in the kitchen. And little Hadrian asleep on his aunt and uncle's bed.

Petunia had set up baby monitors, so she could hear if the babe woke. A little while after Petunia had put her cupcakes in the oven she heard Hadrian start to stir. She went to get him from her room and by the time she got there he was awake. And then she changed his nappy.

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