Choosing Guardians

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A/N- Sorry if switching P.O.V's all the time is confusing. 


Once Hadrian was in her arms she gasped as she laid her eyes on his. "Woah, his eyes are absolutely stunning." She breathed as she tickled his stomach. To which Harry let out an adorable giggle.


Arabella Figg's P.O.V

After a while of playing with little Dudley and Harry. Drinking tea and eating cake. Which I have to say was absolutely phenomenal. I made my way home. Although I'm a squib I do have friends within the wizarding realm  

Once home, I started to write letters to all of my friends and acquaintances. The letters were all the same, just the name of the replicant was changed. The letters read;


Hello, How are you? I hope you are well. I am writing to you to ask if you are looking to adopt a child. The child that I'm currently looking for a home for. Said child is a small little boy, he has not long ago turned one year's old. If you are interested please write me back and I'll give you more information about the sweet, innocent little boy.

Yours faithfully, Arabella Figg.

Then I sent them with my grey owl with amber eyes, named Archimedes. Which means sword in the stone because he's a strong little owl.

Third Person's P.O.V

With the Dursleys.

Harry was currently sat on the floor next to Dudley playing with his older cousin finger's. Whilst Petunia and Vernon cleaned up after the little get-together. After they had finished washing the dishes and putting them away. They went and sat in the living room just watching the boys play together.

Overall a very peaceful scene considering Hadrian had just been abandoned by his parents.

With the Potter's

James, Sirius, Remus, and Lily were sat in the living room whilst Hunter was taking a nap. And this is when it really hit them. They had just given one of their children, their flesh and blood up.

Sirius had just lost his pup. Remus wasn't very close with Hadrian but he still misses his bright smile. Lily and James were just now realizing that they will not be able to see their second son until Hogwarts.

They didn't know if Lily's older sister would take good care of him. They could only hope that he was well cared for. Hunter was loving that Hadrian was gone because now all the attention was on him, and only him.

They had been sat quietly, suffocating within their own individual thoughts. When they heard Hunter start to cry. And Remus went and got his godson. James and Sirius look sunken they now realize just how much they miss Hadrian, his bright curious eyes, and his smile that is strong enough to lighten anyone's mood.

Everyone put on a smile when Remus returned with Hunter. They then all sat down and watched t.v together as a family. Without the youngest member.

With Arabella Figg

Sat by her window reading a book was an elderly woman by the name of Arabella Figg. Who was waiting for any letters that would reply to her's. She had sent many letters out. Some of the people that received a letter were Stephine and Otto Farrell, Harley and Johnathan Millington, and Gabriella and Andreas Villarreal. Among many others.

That's when a tough-looking grey owl came flying into the house of Arabella with a letter tied around its foot. And she untied the letter from the owl's leg. 

Arabella's P.O.V

I was peacefully sat in my armchair by my window, which was open waiting to see if Archimedes would return with any letters. After about an hour of me reading, I spotted Archimedes flying my way. When he reached my window I saw the letter on his leg.

When he flew into my shoulder I untied the letter and gave him a treat. Then opened the letter which read;

Dear Arabella,

We're both doing very well, we hope you are too. We are indeed looking to adopt a child after all we found out recently that I am unable to bear children of my own. Is the little boy you speak of magical or is he a muggle? And what does the little babe look like? We await your reply eagerly. It's nice to hear from you old friend.

Regards, Gabriella and Andreas of the ancient and noble house of Villarreal.

I quickly write my reply to them with a wide smile etched on my face, my reply to their letter read;

Gabriella, Andreas,

I am happy to inform you that the little boy is a wizard that is currently in the care of muggles. His name is Hadrian Sirius Potter. I know you're probably wondering 'why is a Potter in the care of muggles?' well that in itself is a terrible story, one of which would be better to talk about face to face. Anyway, Hadrian has curled raven hair, pale skin, and bright green eyes. If you wish we could meet and you can see Hadrian before you make your decision, and hear his story. I'm sorry that you aren't able to bear children of your own. Just let me know when you're free to meet and I'll inform the muggles. By the way, they know about magic.

Regards, Arabella.

Third person's P.O.V

She then sent the letter off and decided to make herself dinner whilst she waited on their reply. She decided she would make spaghetti and meatballs. She also made and apple and cinnamon pie, and cookies. Her dinner had finished cooking and she sat down at her dinner table and started to eat.

Once finished her owl returned with a letter. She washed up her dishes the opened the letter once she had sat back in her armchair. The letter read;

Dear Arabella,

We would love to meet up with you. Is the little boy's story really that bad? Anyway, we are free tomorrow if that is of any convenience to you and Hadrian's current guardians. We are free all day. Let us know when is best for everyone involved. He sound's absolutely adorable. Andreas and I believe that your idea of meeting and hearing his story before making a decision is amazing. Let us know as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully, Gabriella Villarreal.

Arabella was rather thankful that the Villarreal couple thought her idea was good and agreed to it. For now, she would call Vernon and Petunia to let them know of the new development. They were glad that it was so soon, therefore Hadrian could have a caring mother and father figure. They all agreed on the time of 11 o'clock in the morning.

Arabella informed Gabriella and Andreas who agreed.

Gabriella's P.O.V

I was beyond shocked when I received the letter from my squib friend, Arabella Figg. But I was also happy. We finally may have the chance of having a child.

Andreas was just as happy as I was when I told him the news, from the letter. When she told me what his name was and what he looks like I was gobsmacked. Potter? They gave their child to muggles, but didn't they just introduced one to the public after he defeated the dark lord? I really don't know.

By the sound of it, he looks a lot like a mix of Andreas and I. If that's the case, I just know he will be cute. But she also said that his story was best to talk about face to face. Could it really be that bad?

Well, I guess I will find out tomorrow. I really can't wait, I'm sure we will bring him home. After all, he is just a baby he deserves the world. And I will give him just that.

I am really excited 11 o'clock tomorrow can't come fast enough.

Andreas's P.O.V

I hope that this Arabella character that Gabriella seems to know isn't messing around. That will just kill Gabi. Anyway, we are meeting the little tike at 11 tomorrow. So this can't be a joke. Can it?

I am excited but not nearly as much as Gabi. I know she will be up at the crack of dawn. That'll be fun. Good job there is a lot of coffee in the kitchen. I'm gonna need it.

Word count-1352 not included author's note

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