Chapter 24

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Cindy's POV

My heart clenched as I watched the doctor close my parents' eyes for the last time. I spent as much time as I could with them, but it still didn't feel like it was enough. In their final moments they laced their fingers together, ready to go together. The doctor turned to me and said something about paperwork and needing something from me, but I just couldn't process it. "Queen Cindy," he said for possibly the umpteenth time. "What was that," I asked, snapping out of it, even if only for a few moments. "I need your signature on the death certificates," he said and held them out. I nodded, "Right." Since I was the queen I had to officialize my parents' death. I signed them quickly before passing them back to him. "I'm deeply sorry for your loss your highness," he said with a bow. "At least they're no longer suffering," I whispered. 

I turned on my heel to leave so I didn't watch as they removed my parents' bodies from their room. As I walked down the halls, I couldn't help but let my hand run along the wall. For how many years did I run up and down these halls, rebelling against the royal life that was my destiny? For how many years did I sneak out of the castle against my parents' wishes and do what I wanted because I was tired of feeling controlled? I can't remember. 

Despite the trouble I caused, I still had a lot of good memories with my parents. The first years with my mates, had my parents at war with each other. I kept trying to have a relationship with them, while they didn't. Thanks to Alice talking sense into them in her special way, my parents and I rebuilt our relationship. We weren't as close due to the pain they caused me when it came to the loves of my life, but I was happy to have them in my life once more. 

As I walked, I found myself outside of my old bedroom door. I hadn't stepped into this room since I packed my things and moved out. The room was tidy but held many memories. Photos decorated the walls and dresser. My favorite had once sat on my nightstand but it was now at home.

What strength I had, dissolved as I closed the door behind me, my back sliding against it, my knees to my chest. My whole body shook as I cried, everything that I have been holding back coming forth in a tidal wave of emotions.

I felt someone pick me up, a kiss on my head. I knew it was Alice because she was the only one who could just magically appear. She took me home to the rest of our mates.

Alice's POV

Feeling Cindy's grief and agony shattered all of us. We knew in that moment that they had finally passed. When I went to her, the sight before me is what made tears come to my eyes. She looked so small and fragile. Sobs shook her body, her cries loud as she let her grief consume her. 

I took her home so we could all console her as she goes through this painful experience. Our mates were waiting for us. We laid with her, offering her comfort till she cried herself to sleep. She looked so pale, dark circles under her eyes. I brushed some of her hair from her face. She no longer looked as young as she once did. When I had met her, she looked to be as young as a human did in their early twenties despite the fact she was in her seventies. Now she looked almost looked as if she aged almost five years. She was in need of rest and nourishment. 

We didn't know what to expect from her next. In the past, she would have lashed out emotionally, letting her emotions consume her entirely. She's matured and changed though. So we didn't know if she'd turn to old ways of dealing with her emotions or if she'd continue down the path she's been on. 

I wasn't worried though. No matter how she acted, we would be there for her. She needed us. Not long after she had fallen asleep, we joined her. 

When I woke up to Ember crying, I noticed Cindy was no longer in bed. I took care of Ember before following the bond to find Cindy in the kitchen, sitting on the counter, an empty plate beside her, a thing of ice cream in her hands. "Later night snack," I asked her. "I ate a meal first," she whispered. "I didn't want to be lectured for not taking care of myself." I grabbed a spoon and took a bite out of the container, "I'm surprised you didn't cover it in whip cream." I then popped it into my mouth. "Shyrah had taken it. No ice cream though," she shared with me and I almost choked on the ice cream in my mouth. 

"It's nice to see her so happy," Cindy said softly, a soft smile on her lips. "Rohan looks happy too. He used to intimidate me with how unhappy he always looked." She then fell silent as she ate a few more bites. Her expression then became one filled with grief as she looked down at the ice cream container. "My parents died holding hands. They were ready to go together." She sniffled, but didn't let the tears that were in her eyes fall. She then looked at me, "Thank you Alice for talking sense into them, getting them to accept our relationship. I wish it didn't take a demon apocalypse for that to happen, but better late than never right? Because of you, we got to mend some of our relationship back. Sure it wasn't perfect, and I know it never will be, but at least I got to salvage some of it before they passed away." As she had spoken, she moved the ice cream from her hands to the counter, to cup my face. "Thank you for everything you've done for us." 

She was then kissing me, and I kissed her back without hesitation. It was slow and sweet as our tongues caressed and explored. When we pulled away I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, "Let's go back to bed." She nodded and got off the counter to put away the ice cream. She wanted to clean her dishes, but I made her leave them in the sink. When we laid down, I wrapped my arms around her. I buried my nose in her hair as she tucked her face into my chest, before we both fell back to sleep. 

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