Chapter **********************

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Since everything going on I'm still in shocked that Raheem asked me to marry him.  My ring I truly love it.He did a great job picking it out.After the party everyone left and was saying their goodbye to Skylar.She wasn't  feeling  nobody  cause she was  sleepy.I had went to ber room to put her to bed right after I  laid her down she was gone.My poor baby party wore her out. I went back downstairs to help Raheem clean up.

I went into the kitchen and their he was throwing away the plates and cups.

"Babe",I said waking  over to him.

He turned around and smiled.

"Yeah",He said

"Thanks for the ring I truly love it",I said kissing his lips.

The kiss got a little heated and I  had to stop it.Even thought  I would lpve to get the pipe laid down.My house was a mess and I couldn't  go to sleep like this.

"Babe no",I said smiling.

"Why not you started it",He said mugging me.

"I know but the house is a mess and I'm tired",I said going over to the counter.

"Aight",He said finishing cleaning.

We got done around 11 ish.I was so tired and I  still need to take a shower.After we got done. I went upstairs before Raheem to take a quick shower.After my shower I out on some panties and one of Raheem shirts.I got into the bed when Raheem walk into the room.He grab his towel  and went into the bathroom.I turn on the tv for a minute before my eyes started to close.

The next morning I woke up  to Raheem laid all over me.For us to have a king size bed we only sleep in one spot.I moved his arms from around me so I could go to the bathroom.I went into the bathroom uses it and then wash my hands.I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to start breakfast.

It was about 10:30 when I heard Raheem and Skylar come downstairs.

"Hey babe",Raheem said coming over  to me.

"Hey", I said putting the eggs in the pan.

I finish cooking  the eggs and then made Skylar and Raheem plate.I gave  them they plates and then made mines.I came back and  sat at the table.

"Babe,Have you thought about what you want to do for the wedding",Raheem asked.

"I know I want it before I get big",I said.

I wanna get married before I start getting really big.So I probably want the wedding when I'm about 4 or 5 months. So we have about 4 or 5 months to get this wedding on the road.

"So we dont have a long time then",Raheem said biting his bacon.

I nodded.

I always knew what I  wanted my wedding to look like and be.I have change  the colors over the time but I want it to be beautiful and alot of flowers.

"Well I know my colors",I said.

"Okay and what's that?",He asked.

"Gold and Purple".

He nodded.

Knowing that I have about 4 months to get everything together.Its going to be stressful.The health of myself and baby I know  I  got to remain calm. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I'm so happy about that and to see how far along I am.

We finishing eating and I start washing dishes.Raheem and Skylar was in the living room were I  could hear Raheem trying to talk to Skylar.She was really talking back.She's such a daddy's girl.

It was the next  morning and my doctor appointment.I didn't get no sleep lastnight because I  was too excited about today. I want a boy but if I  get a girl it would be okay but we will be trying for our boy. I got up around 8 cause my appointment was at 10.I went into the bathroom and took a shower  and brush my teeth and wash my face.

I went back into my room to found something to wear.I decided with some  black leggings,a long peach shirt and some black uggs. I comb my hair down so it was flowing down my back.I but on a little bit of makeup and that was about it.I went back into the room to see Raheem and Skylar sitting on the bed ready.He did a good job dressing her.

"Good morning my babies",I said smiling.

They gave me a straight face and I  couldn't do nothing but laugh.

"Yall ready",I said grabbing my coat.

Raheem got up carrying Skylar.We went downstairs they went to the car and I  went to get a banana and a bottle of water.

I locked the door and walk over to the car.I got in and Raheem pulled out.It was quite on are way to the doctor office. Raheem pulled into the parking spot and parked. I got out and Raheem got a sleeping Skylar.He grab my hand and while holding Skylar in his arms.

We got in and I went to the desk to write my name. It was a couple girls in there before me.

"Sasha Coleman",The nurse said.

We stood up and I follow behind the nurse.We got to the room and i sat on the table while Raheem and Skylar  sat in the chair.

"You nervous",Raheem asked.

"A little",I said.

Then thw doctor walk in.

"Hey Ms . Coleman",My doctor spoke.

"How are you today ",She asked.

We sat and talk for a minute before she gave me an ultrasound.I was 5 weeks and so  excited.After that we went to get something  to eat.

"How you feeling about everything now ",Raheem asked me as he pulled up into Chili's.

"I'm happy and excited.Us planning this wedding while I'm being pregnant is alot."

"I know baby but we got this",He saod kissing my forehead.

We got out and went into Chili's.

CHAPTER 23 is done............

Two more chapters left.........

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