Chapter ************

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I can't believe Sasha pregnant and I'm having my first baby girl.Sasha been getting on my nerves about everything making sure the bag pack, where I'm going to be when her water breaks,call Lauren. Everything she nervous cause its her first child and I understand that but dang chill.

(I'm fast forwarding)

Since she been close to her due date I been staying in the house. I made a little money here and there but nothing to big.Since that day I had to bring my shit to the house cause the niggas at the trap was fucking shit up I been busy trying to stop. Me trying to start a family and soon be trying to get married. Im trying to leave the shit behind and work on something different.

It was about 12:15 am when I heard Sasha yell my name.I run up the stairs when I got to the room she was sitting on the bed taking deep breaths. I run over to her and got on my knees in front of her.

"Babe are you okay", I asked.

"No its hurting like I'm have contractions", she said crying.

"Did your water break", I asked again.

"No", She said.

I told her to lay down cause she was just having early contractions which is good. She laid down and I got into bed with her we finally went to sleep.I woke up cause the bed was soaked. Sasha had came out the bathroom. I looked at her and smiled cause its time.

The contractions wasn't that far apart so we stay in the house for a while. I took a shower and throw on a jogging suit. I help Sasha down the stairs and I grab her bag that was by the door.I locked the door and realizing when we come back home it will be three of us.

We was driving I had called Lauren to tell us to meet us at the hospital. Sasha contraction started to getting worst on the drive.She was calm then I expect her to be but I was happy at the sametime. I didn't want to get curse out or nothing today.

We got to the hospital and she was wheelchair in. They got us in a room and everything. She was calm but I can tell she was scared. She really didn't say much. The doctor had came in and check her and it was time.She look at me.I walk over to her and grab her hand.

"I love you"

"I love you too baby", Then we kissed.

On March 11, 2015 at 9:35 AM Skylar Rayne Williams was born 5 pounds and 6oz 20 inches long. She was a big baby and look just like her mother. After the delivery they let Sasha hold her and tears was coming down.Seeing her cry just made me more happy than ever. They took the baby away so Sasha could get some rest and I was right by her side the whole time.

The rest of the day it was pretty chill. Sasha was sleep most of the time. We talm a little but I know the drugs they gave her was making her sleep and she just push out another human so I know she just wanted to sleep.

I left to go home and just check on the house.Just making sure everything was straight. I check Skylar room.and looking around making sure it was straight.I move the bassinet into our room.I change the sheets and put them in the washer.I was just cleaning the house.I know yall probably thinking that I dont clean but I leave on my own and I'm not paying no maid to clean.

When I was coming down the stairs it was a knock on the door.I went to open it and there was about 5 police officers staying there.

"Are you Raheem Williams", One of them asked.

"Yes sir", I said back.

"Your under arrested for the trafficking of a controlled substance".

I had a confused look on my face. I'm on parole and I been hustling but I never been caught.I was so confused on what was going on.They but me in cuffs and read me my rights. I got in the police car sad the day my daughter's born I get locked up.

I made it to the police station just sitting waiting.I had got a call and the first person I called was Lauren.She wasn't my lawyer but I need her right now.

"Raheem whats going on", she asked.

"Lauren I don't know, I was at home cleaning they just knocked on my door talking about me been arrested for trafficking".

"Sasha sleep still but you know she going to ask".

I head fell I done disappointed the most important woman in my life right now.

"Mane I know dont say nothing but see what you can do for me" I said.

"I got you I'm tell Black was going on so he knows".


Then the phone hang up.

I went back just thinking this shit can't be happening. I feel like I was set-up or something but none of my niggas have got caught. I was thinking about everything and everybody I mess with.

I went to make another call and it was too black.

"Mane whats going on", he said on the firat answer.

"I don't know but mane this don't make no sense right now".

"Mane who you telling".

"I feel like I was set-up nobody know where I live but like 6 or 7 people".

"Yeah I know".

"Plus I called that nigga Robbie and he havent been answering".

"Mane I havent seen dude in a minute like he just disappear on a nigga".

We haven't been fucking with Robbie forreal since the shit at the trap and since I told them about Sasha being pregnant. We had words cause he was talking about my woman but shit I thought we was good.Robbie dont think before he talks so I wasnt paying no attention when he talk unless its about getting more money.

"Well I talk to Lauren shes on it and trying to get you a bond ASAP".


I had to sit in jail on the day my fucking daughter was born this is bullshit.

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Chapter 12 done.......

This might be a short story forreal .I want to do something different.

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