Chapter ***************************

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-Thanks for everyone who like the book from the beginning it means and who is starting to like it.
-Im so proud that I have completed my second story on wattpad.


Today the day I would be marrying my bestfriend. It truly has been a roller coaster with us.Just remembering the first time we meet, the first time we had sex,how we just come to become a couple.Now today I will become Mrs.Willimas.

Everything was ready and the only thing I had to do was get pretty.Rahmeen and I been texting all morning.I haven't seen him since other day. ts been killing me I haven't been away from him since he got out.So them two days was hell.Lauren and my other girls made sure that I had fun for the last two days.

Even though we couldn't see each other we definitely talk on the phone and text each other.At first I wasn't nervous but as the time gets closer and closer I have became nervous.This baby isn't helping one bit either.Im 6 months almost 7 and we having a baby boy.

We had a reveal party with a couple of people and family.Since the wedding was a major part we only had balloons to reveal the gender.Raheem was more than happy.He gets to get his jr.If thats what he thinks.I don't about a jr but it will definitely have his name in it. I'm not to fond on Jr names but that's just me. I feel that this pregnancy has been my worst so far.I had morning sickness and couldn't eat nothing but certain things.The thing I can't stand the most is my spit cup I have.Lauren had it with Lance and I thought it was gross and now I have it. Lauren thinks is funny cause I used to complain about hers.

It was about 2 and the wedding starts at 4. My guest had to arrived no later than 3.We had a open bar and appetizers for the guest while they waited.I was sitting down getting my hair done while spitting in my cup and texting. Raheem.His been sending me sweet little texts and quotes.I been smiling all day.The excitement I feel cant be explain if you not in my shoes,but just know your girl is blessed,happy,and in love.

After my hair I had to eat me a fruit salad.Since I been pregnant fruit is the only thing that I eat.I ate for a mintue then start putting on my dress.

"Boo this dress is so beautiful",Lauren said while helping with it.

"Thanks",I said smiling.

To say we came a long way is a understatement.Both being single now I'm about to be somebody wife.Im so happy.

After getting dress Lauren and I said a prayer which we did at her wedding.Everyone left the hotel room and it was just us.She look at me and smiled l.We grab each other hand amd bow our heads

Dear Heavenly Father, be with us today for this beautiful wedding also bring happiness to my family let them overcome every struggle you put in their way let them be able to also come to you first before making a decision.Let my godson come into this world healthy and also having a healthy delivery for Sasha.In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

I looked up and gave her a hug.I needed that prayer.Without my parents not been here and not having my dad walk me down it really affecting me . Lauren's uncle was walking me down the aisle.My uncle and aunt who I live with at a young age is really ill and they wasn't able to make it.My other family members came and alot of friends.

It was time.........

I was on the other side of the door waiting to see my husband . Lauren's uncle grab my hand I lighty nodded telling him I was ready.The door open and the music start playing.I look down the alter seeing Raheem with a huge smile on his face.I couldn't help but smile.

It felt like forever to get to him but when I finally did I started to cry.He mouth to me to stop but I shook my head no.

"You can be seated",Said the Pastor.

The pastor spoke his words.Not only saying his piece but also words of courage.We had said our own vows.Raheem Had spoke his vows tge tears were unreal that Lauren had to wipe my face.I never thought he love me like he said when he spoke.I couldn't be more happy.I didn't even want to say my vows just say I do.

I spoke my vows with trying to keep it all together.It took me a minute but I finally got through it.

"I do".

"You may kiss your wife",Pastor said.

Raheem grab me rough and kissed me down.Everyone clap and we started to walk down the aisle.

The limo ride to the venue was quite.I think we were in our own thoughts.We had came a long way.Its crazy that The love you have for a person means so much.But when you marry them it becomes THE LOVE WE HAVE.

The end.........

Chapter 27 done.......

Thanks everyone.......

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