Football Game!

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Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ! Don't sue!

Bulma woke up with a yawn. She sat up, but saw that she couldn't. She looked to her side and smiled. Vegeta had an arm draped over her. She frowned that she had to wake him up, he looked so peaceful. She giggled. The only time he doesn't have a scowl or a cocky smirk on.

She grabbed his wrist and gently removed his arm from her body. She slipped away quickly before he could grab her again.

Vegeta tried grabbing his woman so that he could resume sleeping, but found that she was no longer next to him. He sat up with a groan. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the young heiress's room. He found her standing next to the bed.

"Woman, why'd you wake me up?" he mumbled tiredly.

She giggled. "Sorry. We have a game tonight, remember?" she looked towards the clock. "C'mon, we have to go. The game starts at 8." she said as she went to her desk. She prepared her cheerleading outfit ahead of time.

She grabbed her uniform and walked towards her bathroom. Before going in, she looked at her boyfriend.

"Better go to Goku's so you can change." she advised.

Vegeta raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you ever use that retarded nickname for Kakarot that his bitch made up?" he smirked as he heard her giggled.

"I bet ChiChi would be very mad if she heard what you said."

The only reply she got was a roll of the eyes with a scoff.

"As if I'm afraid of Kakarot's harpy."

Bulma rolled her eyes and shooed him away. "Go, when you're changed come back to pick me up. We'll use my car, and don't worry. You get to drive. It's been awhile since we used my baby, I hardly doubt people remember that I even have a car." she said.

Vegeta smirked and crossed his arms. "That's because you're a girl. That don't expect you to know how to drive." he stated with the cocky smirk in place.

Bulma's face turned cherry red. "YOU SEXIST BASTARD!" she yelled.

Vegeta laughed and went out the door. Even though it's entertaining to piss off the onna, she looks even more beautiful when she's angry. Her eyes light up with more life and fire in them. He shook his head in attempt to rid the thoughts. Baka! No time for thinking of the woman. Right now you need to focus on the game. he thought.

So far, from what he's gathered, the Black Hawks say that Zarbon is the star player on the team. Ladies say that he is incredibly handsome, and has an eye for exotic women.

He growled as he got into the Son residence. He had to make sure this Zarbon character steers clear from his woman.

"Hey Vegeta!"

Vegeta turned around. He was already at the top of the stairs and on his way to his room. He saw that it was Kakarot's twin and older brother.

"What?" he huffed.

They both grinned. "Good luck. We'll be rooting for you and Kakarot." they said before going.

Vegeta groaned as he went up the stairs. He looked at the clock. 7:12. He still had time.

He went to his desk and picked up his phone. He rolled his eyes as he got more text messages of girls trying to ask him out or trying to act as prostitutes.Sluts. he thought.

He deleted them, but came across a text message form his girlfriend. He decided he'll open it later. He grabbed his football uniform and put them into the Orange Star's student gym bag. He got in his car and made his way over to Bulma's.

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