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Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ! Don't sue!

The stranger gave her a smirk and helped her up.

"I'll say again, what the hell are you doing here!" Bulma said lowly.

"I just wanted to know if my princess was doing all right." he said.

"I'm no princess, jack-butt."

"Then how come I'm your prince charming?"

"Screw off Yamacha." she spat.

He frowned. "Don't go act all tough with me."

"I don't need to act. And I already know your rep in school, player." she said as she walked towards Juu.

"Ah! So you came here with blondy." he said.

" Screw off!" she said as she and Juu purchased their clothes.

As they exited the store, two of the three guys that confronted her and Juu appeared before them.

"Hey babe." said Jesse as he wrapped his arms around Bulma.

"Miss me?" said Jay, copying Jesse's moves.

Yamacha was witnessing the whole thing. He growled. I'm way better than those sorry excuses.

"Hey!" he yelled, gaining the four's attention. "Keep your hands to yourself!" he spat.

"What are you? Her boyfriend?" taunted Jesse. "Then again, I don't think she might be interested in you." he sneered.

"First off." Bulma said as she and Juu shook off the boys holding them. "That prick is not, in no way, my boyfriend." she stated. "Second, you're right, I'm not interested in you." she said as she flipped her hair.

"Hey B!" said a cheery voice from behind.

She turned and saw Goku and Vegeta approach them.

"Yo!" she replied.

As Goku approached them, he noted the two guys in front of Bulma and Juu and an angry Yamacha in the backround.

"Where's ChiChi?" he asked.

Bulma shrugged as Juu said, "Idk."

"Who are these guys?" Goku asked, pointing towards Jesse and Jay.

"Some pricks that won't leave us alone." Juu replied.

"Now don't act like you don't want us!" said Jay.

"Not acting. We don't!" Bulma said to the two imbeciles.

"Now, now." Jesse said as he wrapped an arm around her. "I didn't forget about you." he whispered in her ear.

Vegeta, standing in the background, had a vein popping out on the side of his forehead. How dare he touch her! he thought, mad. Before he could approach the man and give him a piece of his mind, Bulma beat him to the punch, literally.

She balled up her fists and hit him in the face with her right hand. He immediately let go and held on to his face. Once recovered he looked at Bulma and gave her a smirk.

"Make that three things I like in a woman."

Bulma growled. "Go crawl back in the hole you came in idot

"Would you like to join me?" he teased.

Before she could attack him, Goku walked past her and kneed the guy where it hurts.

"Look here prick, leave Bulma alone or ma and Vegeta will dish out something far more worse." he threatened.

He looked towards Bulma. "Is this guy your boyfriend?"

Goku blushed. "NO! My girlfriend's name is ChiChi, not Bulma. She's far more pretty." he immediately put a hand on his mouth. "Well not as beautiful as Bulma, but still is pretty." he added when he saw the enraged Bulma.

He relaxed a bit he saw her facial features relax. "Kakarot, I've seen ChiChi. She's not as pretty as ME!" she said as she pointed to herself.

"Yeah, yeah. And stop calling me Kakarot! It's natural if Vegeta calls me that, but not you." Goku explained.

"Its your first name, I shall call you by it." she pointed out.

"Yeah, but please call me something different." he begged.

Bulma shook her head. "Pathetic. Fine, what was that nickname your bossy girlfriend made up?"


"NO, I'm not calling you that. Son-kun will do then." she said. She then turned to Jay and gave him a glare. She opened her mouth to say something, but Vegeta cut her off.

"Fuck off weakling, unless you want me to dish out what Kakarot did to your friend, tenfold." he growled.

Jay, scared, nodded and picked up Jesse's hurt body. Weakling bakas. Vegeta thought.

"Gomen ne for the trouble Kakaro- ur, Son-kun." Bulma apologized.

"Don't sweat B." he beamed.

"Thanks Veg-head." Bulma thanked.

"Don't call me that." he snapped.

She rolled her eyes. "Come on Juu." Bulma said as she grabbed Juu's arm and pulled her into a different store.

Woman! Such an enigma! Vegeta thought.

"Come on Vegeta. Lets check out some stores, I need to buy some new shoes." Goku explained.

"What are you? A girl?" Vegeta questioned.

Goku frowned. "No. ChiChi said that she wants me to buy me and her some shoes." he explained.

"Go ahead. I'm not going to follow. I'm not going to be any woman's lap dog." he said as he went in the opposite direction of Goku.

Girl's conversation

"Oooohhh! Hey B, come check out this shirt." Juu said.

"What- OMG! That would look cute on you."

Juu shook her head. "Not me, you!"

Bulma gave her a questioning look and eyed the shirt again. It was a sheer dolman style blue dyed tee that showed her midriff.

"Cute." was all she said. "How about this for you." she said as she pulled out a different shirt from the rack. It was a ruched lurex tube top colored gold.

"Yup, def me." Juu said as she grabbed the top.

"How convenient that Vegeta was nearby, hm?" Juu said suspiciously.

"Yeah." Bulma replied, skimming through the rack.

"I mean, its like he knows exactly where you are." she said.

Bulma stopped what she was doing and looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

Juu rolled her eyes. "I think he has a liking in you!" she exclaimed.

Bulma blushed quickly and then narrowed her eyes.

"Then why does he act so coldly to me?"

Juu shrugged. "He's never had a girlfriend because he says that all the girls that throw themselves at him are nothing but whores. Plus you're the only one that caught his eye." Juu explained.

"He's never had a girlfriend?" Bulma said with wide eyes. Surely someone as sexy as him would have bound to have a few.

Juu shook her head.

Vegeta has a crush on me?

DONE! I hope you like this chap! REVIEW!

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