6 years later

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Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ! Don't sue!

6 years has passed and still no sign of her. A teenage boy strolled down the streets, deep in thought. His hair came up in flame, his eyes were ebony black. He's been living with his best friend ever since the incident with his father. He was lucky that he hasn't crossed roads with him yet. He was thankful that his best friend, Kakarot, was kind enough to let him live with him and his brothers, Radditz and Turles. Although, other knows his friend by a different name, Goku. It was a little nickname that his anyoying and , controlling girlfriend came up with.

He met her in sophomore year. Her name was ChiChi. She and Kakarot started dating in freshmen year. Now it was their senior year and theay're still dating.

He met Kakarot's other friends who soon also became his. There was Krillin Roshii, a bald kid that was the shortest teenage in all of high school, and his girlfriend Juuhachigo Gero. She was blonde with blue eyes and was very attractive. But she wasn't his taste, she was a tomboy who wanted to prove that girls are just as strong as boys. She defiantly proved that in junior year. Then there was Yamacha (I've got it spelled wrong in Party Animal, but I don't care.), he was the only guy that he truly hated. He was a player to girls. He was the nice bandit type of guy. Then there was Piccolo, he was silent most of the time, he liked this guy. He never gets underneath his skin. Then there was Tien with his peppy girlfriend Launch. Launch had switch personalities, every time she sneezes, her hair turns from dark purple, to dark blonde. When she's blonde, she has this bad mood thing going on. When her hair turns back to purple, she's the happy go-getter girl.

He sighed and turned back around, starting to head home. How come I never saw her again? What ever happened to her? The boy thought. The girl that saved him from his own suicide clouded his mind. Her face was burned into his mind. Bulma Briefs. Where was his lavender haired angel?

He stopped and looked up. He didn't know he was already home. He shook his head and went inside.

"Yo, Vegeta!" Turles greeted.

Vegeta just grunted and headed upstairs.

"Yo remember dude, tomorrow is your first day in senior year bro!" Turles yelled from downstairs.

Vegeta froze. Crap! He forgot all about school! He growled and jogged up to his room.

He was attending Orange Star High School. He was the most popular kid there. He was very known for his 'bad boy' reputation. He always talked back to the teachers, kept picking up fights, and always ditched school. All the guys envied how popular he was with the girls. Vegeta classifies them as cloathing banchies. Always wearing something skimpy just to win him over.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey V-man? Ya here?" came a bubbly voice from the other side of the door.

"What do you want Kakarot?" Vegeta questioned.

"Are you excited for tommorow?" he asked.

Vegeta sighed. "I don't know."

"Lighten up! Maybe this year you'll actually get a girl!"

Vegeta shook his head and headed towards his closet. He bought new clothes during his stay with Goku.

Goku frowned. "Not everybody's like that girl Vegeta." he adviced. "Who knows?" he said as he turned around. "Maybe she might be in our school this year." with that, he left.

Vegeta told Goku about the girl who saved him. Goku said that the girl sounded familiar but shook it off.

Vegeta shook his head and breathed in deeply. He didn't go on any dates with any girl. He always told guys who questioned that they girls here weren't good enough and that they're all a bunch of CB's (cloathing banchies), wanting to be the next big thing!

Vegeta laid down the clothes he was going to use for tomorrow and lied down on his bed. He turned his head to look at the clock. Damn, it was 10 pm already? Vegeta closed his eyes and waited patiently to fall asleep.

What you guys think? Please be gentle. Review please! ^_^

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