Chapter 1: Arabella Cooper

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Ah nothing like turning 21 and your parents finally letting you move out of the house. I love my parents, but sometimes a girl just wants privacy. This is also my last year in college. I want to become a pastry chef and after I graduate, I'll be working at my dad's restaurant.

"This is the last box." Mom wiped her forehead.

I chuckled. "Thanks for helping guys."

"No problem. We're gonna miss having you in the house." Dad told me.

"I'm just 20 minutes away. "

"When I reach 21, will you two buy me a house too? You gotta be fair"

"Of course, but don't grow up too fast, even though you're twice my size and Bella's." Mom said as she hugged him. We chuckled.

My baby brother, Asher. He's seventeen years old and an incredible person. He has a tender heart and sometimes people take advantage of that. Mom lay the law when they messed with him.

"Anyone home?" My best friend yelled as she walked into the living-room.

"Favorite person has arrived." My other best friend said.

My best friends since kindergarten. Aurora and Kayson McCarty, the twins. I love these two so much. And their family are so nice too. They're 20 years old.

"I heard yelling, what-" He stopped when he saw the twins. "Hey, Aurora and Kayson."

"Hey, Ash." They said in unison.

"I'm going to the library, I'll see you guys soon." With that said, he left.

"Alright, let's get these boxes to my new place." I said while grabbing a box.


The place was already furnished, we placed the boxes with my belongings in the house and then ordered pizza. They stayed for 2 hours and then left. Except the twins, they're going to spend the night here.

"Finally my place." I said as I plopped on the couch.

"It's awesome. Although we had to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for a month for our parents, to let us have each a house."

"Bright side, we graduate as chef while doing that." Aurora added.

I laughed. "Two months, and we will graduate from college." I said.

"I'll be a lawyer, and you and Aurora pastry chef working at the hottest restaurant in the city." Kayson grinned.

Ding dong!

I haven't given anyone my address, just my family. I opened the door and the lady walked past me.

"Thing 1 and thing 2, for the last time, stop leaving your dog in my house." Jojo told the twins as she handed them their 1 year old dog.

"Sorry grandma." They said in unison.

"We had an early class and your house is just 10 minutes away from our houses. And we didn't want to leave her alone." Aurora said sheepishly.

Yeah, Aurora, unlike her twin, she's very shy. She tends to keep things bottle and prefers to walk away and not stand up to people who treat her bad. Of course, Kayson, kick their asses.

"Well, hire a dog sitter." She sighed. She looked at me and smiled. "If Kayson, wasn't gay, you'd be the perfect girl for him." She pinched my cheeks and then left.

We laughed. Even if he wasn't, I would still see him as a friend. I have yet to meet someone who intrigues me, someone who touches me and set my body on fire. I want that kind of love. Sort of like the one my parents have. They're so cheesy. I had only one boyfriend, we had our first with each other, we were eighteen. We ended things cause we realized we are better off as friends, but he went to study to Italy.

"Your grandma is nuts." I chuckled.

"That she is." Kayson, added as Aurora, chuckled. "We should go celebrate that our little, Bella, has her own home. And what better place, than, NightOwl's club." He danced.

"Ohhh, I'm in." I danced too.

"You guys know that's not my scene." Aurora sighed.

"Just one hour, and then we return." I gave her puppy eyes and pouted.

"What about, Celeste?" She asked while petting her dog.

"She can stay with, Snowy." I pointed at my husky puppy. Yes, our family loves huskies, and snowy comes from Wolfie's generation.

"Okay, I guess an hour is okay." She replied.

"Awesome." We said with Kayson in unison.

Maybe I'll meet someone interesting there, maybe Aurora loosen up and come out of her shell, who knows, all I know, it's going to be a wild night.


A/N: Since the twins didn't get a story, I decided to put them in this one. If you forgot who they are, they belong to, Nikki  and Grayson from Downfall.

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