Chapter 12: Beach Hill Date

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Today is my date with, Thiago. Also our dad's tied in the cooking competition. The options were the same as ours, but both of them were actually tired to create a new recipe. So they did the mature thing, they split the money. Is better safe than sorry. I mean dad could've kicked his ass and he lose the half or vice versa.

"Before our date, let's take this cheque and put half on your account and half on mine. I'm not comfortable with this cheque just lying in the house." I told him.

He agreed with me and we made a quick stop at the bank. We gave them the cheque and then split the money. After an hour in there, we finally made it to our destination.

"Wow, the view is beautiful." I said while admiring the ocean view.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. "This is my escape place. It's so peaceful."

I turned around and pecked his lips. We grabbed the tablecloth and put it on the ground. I placed the picnic basket and we sat down.

"This sandwich is amazeballs." I said in between bites.

"There's more. I like a girl who eats." He said while grabbing a sandwich.

"Good, cause if I have to choose between you and food, I guess the single life it is." I grinned. He laughed.

"Then it's a good thing we both love food." He pecked my lips.

"So, how's everything with you and your parents?"

"With my mom is always good, she bought a house near mine. And dad is still being well, hungry for power. He goes home really late, he spends all day and night at the restaurant creating new dishes and we know how hard it is to come up with new stuff." He sighed.

"So he's going crazy."

"Yeah, two nights ago I entered the restaurant, and saw him throwing the dishes he created to the wall, he said they weren't perfect. I tasted it and it was really good, but dad is a perfectionist."

"Thiago, you should talk to him. Or maybe your mom has the power to make him see that it's okay to not be perfect. Don't tell your dad, but I made Kayson order a dish from your father's restaurant and it was really delicious. He should take it easy." I told him while sitting on his lap.

"I'll talk to her today and see if she can knock some sense into him." He said while caressing my face. "I love that I can talk about my problems and you don't get bored, you listen to me and even advice me."

"Because that's what you do when you love someone, care for them. Their problems become yours, because when they are hurting, you hurt too." I caressed his face.

"You love me?"

"I do, and I wont deny it like other girls do. I love your annoying yet cute ass." I pecked his lips.

"I love you too." He pulled me into a sweet kiss. "Be mine officially."

"I was already yours." I smiled as he did too.

"I want you right here, but this is an open place and people do tend to come here." He whispered in my ear. I became very horny.

"Then it's a good thing we both live alone." I bit his bottom lip.

We left the beach hill, and then we went straight to his house and had amazing wild sex.

"Te amo, princesa." He pulled me into a very passionate kiss. "That means I love you, in Spanish."

"Sounds so sexy." I pinched his cheeks.

"Okay, you're the only one allowed to pinch my cheeks." He sighed as I chuckled.

"I love you too." I smiled.

I received a text from my mom. She's inviting us over for dinner.


We arrived at my parents house and was met by a hug. My wonderful Godfather.

"I missed you too, uncle Jason." I hugged him back.

"I haven't seen you in a year." He said as he pulled away. "And you are?"

"Thiago Navarro, her boyfriend." He extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you." He shook his hand, "you better not hurt her, or I will end you."

"I'll never hurt her."

"Let the guy breathe, Jason." Mom told him.

"Dinner is served, if you're already full, sucks to be you cause you will still eat the food." Dad informed us. We chuckled.

We went to the table and had a wonderful time. I love when uncle Jason visit us. He lives in New York. He moved there, 10 years ago with his husband.


After dinner, I hung out a bit and then went to my dad's home. I wanted to see How's he doing. But he wasn't there so I went to the restaurant. I entered it and he was in the kitchen cooking. I was about to say something, when my mother entered. I stayed hidden and see where this is going.

"Tomas, don't you think it's time to stop all this madness. I get that you're a perfectionist, but you barely sleep, eat. Thiago and I are worried about you." Mom told him.

"I have to be the best, I need to make one dish that will be the star of the restaurant. I must make this place number one." He said while cooking.

"At what cost? You're missing out on so much, instead of obsessing over being the best, you should be out there spending time with Thiago, or falling in love with someone. Live, don't exist."

He stopped cooking and turned off the stove. He looked at her," fall in love with someone else? Are you out of your mind? I only love one woman, but she divorced my ass."

Things got intense. It went from 0 to 100.

"Because you were never home, power and money was everything to you. I divorce you because you stopped being the sweet loving guy I once knew, not because I stopped loving you!" She started to cry.

He walked to where she was and pulled her into a kiss. She didn't stop him, but if I don't stop this, it will get hot, and I don't wish to see my parents having sex. That's just a nightmare.


They pulled away and gave me a sheepishly look.

"I'll try my best to be normal and not a perfectionist." He sighed.

"Good, and maybe we should give us a second chance. And hopefully this time, your job will come in second place." Mom gave him a look.

"I agree." He smiled at her as she did too.

"Well, looks like I didn't have to talk to either of you. And dad, I asked Arabella to be my girl and she accepted."

"If she makes you happy, who am I to interfere. I think it's time for a new chapter in my life." He told me.

And I knew things were going to he okay. My parents are giving their love a second chance and I got the girl of my dreams. 

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