Chapter 15: This Can't Be Happening

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We were waiting for Thiago's surgery to end. I called his parents and told them what happened. They said they will be here tomorrow morning. Marisa was hit by a car in her attempt to escape and died immediately.

I called Asher to let him know what happened. Everyone rushed to the hospital in their drunk state. Although after what I told them, they sobered up really fast.

"Those bullets were for me, I'm supposed to be in surgery not him." I dropped to the floor and broke down. "He can't leave me."

Asher hugged me and let me cry in his arms. "He will be alright, Thiago is a strong person and will fight for his life. He has someone to fight for."

"I love you, baby bro." I sobbed.

"I love you too, big sis." He wiped my tears.

After 4 hours, the doctor finally came out.

"He got lucky, we removed the bullets and one of them almost hit his left lung. But God loves that human being. No organs were damaged and he is resting."

"Is he stable, no risk?" I asked.

"Yes, as I said before, He is very lucky. You can see him but not all at the same time." He told us.

"Thank you for saving his life." I sobbed.

"You're welcome. And whoever is Arabella, has to be really special. We were about to lose him, he was losing too much blood. But in his unconsciousness he kept mumbling that name. That's when he started to get better."

I smiled. "Is that even possible?"

"Yeah, sometimes the patient just need their anchor to hold on to life and fight to get better." He smiled. "He is in room 15." With that said, he left.

"Thank you. I'll go see him now." I left and then entered his bedroom.

I grabbed a chair and sat next to him. I grabbed his hand. He was pale and cold.

"Hey you. I thought I was gonna lose you." I caressed his face. "But you're here alive, we can continue with our dreams."

I've never been so scared in my life like I was a few hours ago. The thought of losing Thiago was too much. It would be like being trapped in a nightmare, one I would never wake up. I left his room and the others visit him. After an hour, everyone left, I stayed with him.


I woke up the next day by two voices in the background. It was his parents.

"Hey sweetie. Thanks for staying with him." His mom told me.

"I love him so much, I could never leave him alone in this state." I replied.

"Thank you for loving him." His dad added. I just smiled.

"How long will he be staying here?" She asked.

"The doctor said, a week and then he can go home." I answered her. "It's best if he goes with you two."

They both nodded.


Three days went by and he finally woke up. Yeah he was in a coma after the surgery. I'm glad he didn't take months to wake up. I arrived at the hospital and entered his room.

"I'm so happy you're awake." I smiled as I walked to where he was.

"Who are you?"

"Excuse me, please tell me you're joking." My heart started to race really fast. Please tell me this is a joke.

"Mom, who is she?" He had a confused expression.

This can't be happening. His dad called the Dr. and they went outside, I followed them suit. He told us that it's called selective amnesia.

"But why only me." Tears fell down my cheeks.

"It could be associated with the traumatic event you two had." He told me.

"He pushed me, I should be on that bed, not him. He saved me, the bullets were for me."

"Give him time, don't push him to remember." The Dr. told us.

I just nodded. I entered his room and he was talking to his mom.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like I've been hit by a bus." He said simply. "Why hasn't, Sofia visit me?"

"Sofia?" My voice broke down.

"Yeah, my girlfriend. I miss her." He sighed.

"Thiago, you guys broke up two years ago." His mom told him.

"No we didn't, we are getting married this year."

"Married." More tears fell down. "Thiago, you're my boyfriend."

"I would never cheat on my Sofia. Please leave."

"I hope your memories come back. Goodbye." I closed the door behind me and made a run to the car and broke down.

This can't be happening. I drove to the lake house and got everything ready for tomorrow. We all decided to stay a week, but seems like the trip is getting cut for me at least.

"I'll let you know when I arrive. Asher make sure you close everything before leaving. You know the place, the town. Enjoy."

I told them to not worry, they wanted to end their trip too. I told them no, they don't need to leave cause of me. I actually want to be alone. How can a week that was supposed to be romantic and fun, ended up with me losing the love of my life.

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