Chapter 3: Jerk

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Monday morning came, I did my daily routine and got ready for college. Can't wait for these two months to end. I put food and water for Snowy. I went outside got in the car and drove off to college. After a 20 minute drive, I arrived.

"Took you long." I turned to see, Aurora.

"You know me." I winked. "Where's Kayson?"

"He went to talk to his secret love." She giggled.

"Of course. Shall we?"

"We shall."

We laughed. We went inside the building and head straight to class.

After a few classes, we had a free hour to just chill and eat. Today is a very boring one. We don't have practice.

"Kayson, aren't you spending time with Mr. Mysterious?" Aurora asked him.

"He doesn't go to this college." He told us in between bites.

"I'll be back, I need to pee." I said while getting up.

I made my way to the bathroom. Once I was done doing my business, I left. As I was about to head towards my friend's way, someone caught my attention. It was Thiago. I didn't know he was in this college. Since he was alone, I walked to where he was and tapped on his shoulder.

"Yes, can I help you?" He asked in that sexy accent.

"Seriously?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Am I supposed to know who you are?" He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, babe." A girl said as she interlaced her fingers with his.

He pecked her lips, "wait for me by the fountain."

She left. He dragged me to an empty classroom and pinned me against the wall. My heart started to race like crazy.

"Listen, princesa. What happened between us at the club and at your house, was a one time thing. We were both drunk. You're not my type to have as girlfriend."

Tears fell down my cheeks. I've never been so hurt by words, like right now. To think I thought he was nice.

"You're a dirty ass cheater. Your poor girlfriend doesn't deserve a jerk like you. I hope your ass lands in a very prickly cactus." I said with so much anger.

He let go off me and said, "Don't mention what happened between us to anyone." With that said, he left.

I wiped my tears and left the classroom. I went back to where the twins were.

"What happened?" Kayson asked me.

"Turns out, the guy I slept with, goes to this college. And he's a jerk." I huffed.

I told them everything that happened and what he told me. If he thinks I'm not telling my friends about what just happened, he's delusional.

"Once a cheater, always a cheater." Aurora said.

"The worst part is, that I felt a connection with him. I thought he felt it too. I think I'll avoid all guy related thing. I'll focus on graduating." I sighed.

"Well, sex make things complicated." Kayson mentioned.

He's not wrong. I should've listened to Aurora and stayed home that night.


After all my classes were over, I went to my parents house. Dad was planting some sunflowers for mom. They're just so cute together.

"What's with the long face, Bella?" Mom asked.

"If I told you, you would choke on your cookies." I giggled.

"Okay, so something personal happened. No details, just tell me why it has you like this."

"I met this cute guy, a Spanish hot guy named, Thiago Navarro. We danced and you might want to use your imagination what happened next." I said sheepishly.

"Good thing your dad is far from us. Sweetie, Thiago Navarro belongs to, Tomas Navarro. They are the owners from that Spanish restaurant. They always try to compete with your father and they left rude reviews towards your dad's restaurant." She explained.

"So that asshole knew who I was and still decided to approach me. What if he wanted to sleep because he thought he would get access to my dad's recipe through me."

"That could be it. Or he just really like you. I'm guessing he left the next day without even saying bye." She gave me a look.

"Yeah, I saw him today and he pretty much told me I wasn't his type and that night was a one time thing. That it meant nothing." I sighed. "There was something about him, I can't explain it."

"Give it time, things are not always as they seem. Trust me." She hugged me.

"Is it crazy to feel this way?"

She looked at dad and smiled. "No, I felt an instant connection with your father too."

But still doesn't change the fact that he cheated on his girlfriend. Stupid sexy jerk.

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