Chapter 5: Sweet Project

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Two weeks have passed, things between us were, civil. He was still with his girlfriend and yet, he flirt with me or say a dirty joke. I don't understand that guy.

"Alright, you have to come up with a recipe and it has to be spectacular, be as creative as you can and have fun. This is going to be your exam. So good luck everyone. You have til the day of the exam." The chef told us.

"I'm stuck with you." I sighed.

"I'm a delight, wouldn't you agree, princesa?" He whispered in my ear. Okay hormones, get it together.

"Nope." I smiled. "Now focus."

"I'm very focused." He gave me a devilish smile.

"Stop that, I'm not your type and you have a girlfriend." I glared at him.

"I ended things with her, she got clingy. She called me every 5 minutes and showed up at my house unannounced. Said she missed me and that I didn't reply to her text she sent after we talked." He rolled his eyes.

I laughed. "Only you would pick the crazy ones."

"I prefer the sexy yet sweet ones." He winked at me.

See, he claims I'm not his type yet flirts like crazy with me. I swear he's a walking contradiction.


After classes were over, I was stopped by Thiago. He pinned me against my car.

"I'll be at your house in two hours, I want to practice our recipe. I'm not failing." Oh that accent.

I could feel his hot breath. My legs became jello. "Fine, give me your number and I'll send you my address."

We exchanged numbers and sent him my address.

He leaned in and said, "I wonder how you taste with whipped cream on your sexy body." With that said, he left.

Well fuck me.. I went home and was met by a cute hairy friend.

"I know, I know. Once I'm done with college, we'll spend more time together." I pet her. "Oh, we have a guest coming, if you feel like peeing, his leg is all yours."


After classes ended, I headed straight to a place of someone that drives me insane. Someone who makes me feel butterflies, when our fingers are interlaced, makes a perfect fit. I knocked on the door and they opened it.

"It's been a week without seeing your sexy face." I was pulled into a kiss. These lips that are so plump and soft.

We walked to the couch while still devouring our lips. Our make-outs are pretty intense. But fuck, I'm crazy about this person.

"I miss you too, Kayson." I pecked his lips. "That kiss left me extremely horny."

He chuckled. "Once you turn eighteen, I'll make all your wildest dream, come true. You're going to scream my name." He kissed my neck.

"You're killing me here." I groaned. "When I turn 18, I'll tell everyone about us. I don't like you being my secret." I caressed his face.

"I love you so much." He Interlaced our fingers.

We've been together for about six months. Even though he's 3 years older than me, we fit perfectly. He says I'm very mature for my age. He understand me better than anyone. At first we started just as friends. Eventually I told him about my fears, dreams and about my sexuality. Then one night, we just kissed and from there, things got serious between us. This man is everything to me.

"I love you too. A lot." I smiled as he smiled back.



My mom asked me to go pick up my sister at her school and take her to her ballet class. I got out of the car and went inside the school. Once I reached her classroom, I was in awe from the cute view in front of me.

"Hey mister, where is my bag of cookie?" She asked him as her hands where on her hips. He just chuckled.

"Here little one. Next time no eating in class. And if you do, I'll eat them myself." He teased her.

She gasped as she covered her mouth. "You wouldn't."

"I would."

I laughed. Gotta love my cute five year old sister.

"Sissy!" She ran towards me and hugged me. " I got my cookies!"

I chuckled. She went to eat the cookies with her best friend. He approached me and smiled.

"Mom was a little busy, so it's me picking up the cookie monster." I chuckled.

"Lucky me." He pulled me closer to him. "I haven't seen you in a week."

"Busy with classes and projects. Graduation is just around the corner and I have to create a recipe with my class partner." I sighed.

"Thought you were avoiding me." He brought his face closer to me.

Nathaniel Wood, he is 27 years old. I met him when I first came pick up my sister. We both felt a connection that day. We've been together for a year. But I haven't told anyone. I like my private romantic life, private. But I will tell everyone soon. I just didn't want to introduce him to my family, well my parents know who he is. I just haven't introduce him as my boyfriend.

"Never, I love you way too much for that." I giggled.

"Good, cause I love you too." He pulled me into a very sweet kiss.

"Ohhhh." We pulled away to see a few of his students. Including Luna, my sister. She's the only one who knows and she has kept my secret.

I shook my head. We kissed goodbye and left with my sister. I'm planning on telling everyone about him, this week.

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