Chapter 4: You Gotta Be Kidding Me

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Today we have practice. My favorite part of college. And since my partner is Aurora we work fast, the chefs are always pleased with us.

"We have a new student. He transferred from one of the most prestige  college from Spain."

You gotta be kidding me. Why must I see him here too. This is my peace moment.

"If it isn't the best of the best, why are you here?" I asked Thiago.

"Because, hermosa, I like to expand my horizons. I want to learn American dishes and all that comes with it." He smirked.

Okay, the guy is clearly a walking contradiction. I just rolled my eyes.

"Aurora and Arabella are the best of my class. I'm going to pair you with Bella. And Aurora, go team with, Elijah." The chef told us.

She went to Elijah and Thiago came my way and looked at me.

"Stop looking at me, and don't call me hermosa, because according to yesterday, I'm not your type and that I'm ugly." I told him.

"So you googled what hermosa means." He chuckled. "I'm pretty sure I never called you ugly."

"You implied it. Now stop talking, I'm the best of this class and I don't want you messing that up." I glared at him.

"Well, I'm the best too, so let's see who makes things better." He challenged me.

"I bet you're gonna cheat, just like you did at the club." I said as I grabbed the ingredients.

"Are you still angry about that? Learn to let things go." He told me while grabbing the flour.

"Bite me."

"Already did." He winked at me.

This jerk knows how to get under my skin. After two hours, we finished our products. The chef came to our table and congratulated us.

"Imagine if you two get together. Perfection." He spoked in his Italian accent.

"I'll ruin your dream, he already has a girlfriend." I told him.

He looked at Thiago and said, "dump the troll and get with this girl." With that said, he left.

I laughed. Thiago sent me the death glare. How much I love chef Mateo.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You'll ask either way so go ahead." He said before trying the dessert we made.

I sighed, "nevermind, times up. I got places to go."

I grabbed my stuff and left.



This is one strange girl, a sexy one. While I may have told her that our amazing night meant nothing that I was just drunk, it did mean something. Sadly, our families are rivals in business. I got the threat of my life if I didn't stay away from her. Times like these, I miss my mother. My father only cares about power and money. No my mother isn't dead, she is in Spain, she didn't want to come and deal with my dad's drama. They got divorced because dad never paid attention to her, he was more focused on his restaurant than her.

I arrived home and was stopped by my father. "I hope you're staying away from her."

"We're in the same college, and have some classes together." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need trouble, that bastard of Beau, might think you're dating his daughter because I want access to his recipe and all that shit." He told me before drinking his coffee.

"You don't?" I asked as I sat down.

"No, I may be competitive is true. But I would never steal someone else's recipe. Besides, we are a traditional Spanish restaurant."

"Okay, so this thing is between you and Beau. Bella and I shouldn't be in the middle of it." I tried to reasoned with him.

"Listen boy, you have an entire future ahead of you, if you decide to pursue this girl, I'll leave you without a penny and all your studies will go down the drain." He told me without missing a beat.

I didn't engaged in the conversation anymore. I just went to my bedroom and let a big loud scream out. It's never about my feelings, always about money and power, I understand why mother divorced his sorry ass.

I grabbed my phone and FaceTime the one person who understands me.

"Hey mom. I need your wise words."

She just smiled and gave me some good advice. I love this person so much.


I might update chapter 5 later. Since this one is short. MIGHT 👀

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