13- Times like this

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"You should cherish all the times you.   have with someone, you never know if                            it will last"
                      -Elena Gilbert

~Amber-lyn pov ~


10 year old me walking in the house with a bright smile.

"Momma look I colored this drawing in class see" I showed her it and she took it and ripped it up in disgust.

"Who told you to bring that trash in my house?!" she screamed and pulled my hair and threw my on the floor.

The front door opened and my 'father' walked threw the door kicking me in the stomach while he walks by me.

I felt so hurt to see my parents looking at me like I was a nobody. I felt tears drop down my face as I cry to my mother to stop punching and kicking me.

"YOU NEVER LISTENED TO ME ALL YOU EVER DO IS CRY! YOU FUCKING CRY!" she yelled at me while she took her empty bottle of vodka to me.

The glass shatters on my body as it rips by body. My body feels sore and the floor that I'm laying is filled in a  pool of blood.

Luckily my mom walked away and I ran as fast as my sore body could and went to clean up my sores.

This is when hell came into my life.

End of Flashback:

I woke up and looked and saw that I wasn't in my room. Or any where I have ever been.

I remembered that I was shopping with Xander and someone kidnapped me and I fell unconscious. I think that I am supposed to be in a dungeon or cage cause in the wattpad books I've read they don't leave prisoner's in a bed?

A guy walked in who I noticed was Joshua and he gave me some breakfast. Why the hell am I getting breakfast from Joshua? I could be in my bed minding my own goddamn business but noooo im in someone's house, in someone's bed.

Im not eating the breakfast he made for me. Nope. I don't know if he poisoned it. I can't trust him cause damn that would be heart breaking.

I heard someone come into the room and I met with those beautiful green eyes.

"Hugo?" I said I couldn't believe it he kidnapped me, like dude I know I'm...not the right time.

"Hello bebita, I'm ummm sorry I kidnapped you but I had to do you know what Lander I mean Xander does?" He asked like Xander was the worst person ever.

I mean....he ain't wrong though 🤷

"What do you mean 'I don't know what Lander i mean Xander does' "? I mimic him "Xander works for a mafia too" he said shrugging

My guy you gotta do more than tell me he's in the mafia cause my dood we both are in one :p

"Here let me explain" he cleared his throat "Xander is the son of the leader of the British mafia. I have no idea why he acts like that though, I mean he acts like a little girl in a man's body. He can't even fight for shit. I say he's a spoiled brat. " he finished and sat down on the floor.

Why can't this 'life' be easy like other people. But I mean....out of a wattpad book in person is kinda fun.

"Cool so when am I going home cause don't want my head to be taken off" I joked well tried to joke. "I called your brothers and said you crashed out at my house" he said leaving me to finish my food.

I ain't gonna eat that...hell no

~hours later~

Im at my house and in my room cause Damon grounded me cause he said 'It was a bad thing to sleep at a boys house ' I love him but he can be a asshole at times.

"AMBER!" I hear Asher scream from downstairs "WHAT!" I screamed back at him no reply in a couple of minutes and groaned as I walked downstairs

This guy man I hate it when someone calls you and just wants you to come to them 😒

I walked downstairs and saw Him, Damon and David sitting on the couch about to watch a movie.

"Yeah...." I said as they stood there looking at me "Oh yeah I wanted to ask if you want to watch a movie with us?" Asher nervously scratched the back of his head

"Sure" I sat and flopped myself on the couch and looked at the screen and saw it was 'Finding O'hana' I never watched that before

During in the movie I was laying my head in David's lap and my feet in Ashers lap.

~1 hour later~

The movie was finished and all the boys fell asleep Damon was sleeping on his twins shoulder, Asher was asleep in my lap while I was still laying on David's lap. I guess this is the best time to not worry about anything.

I've just noticed I barley talked to David ots always either Damon, Asher and the other boys its never him. Tomorrow were gonna have a us day and spent the day doing anything fun.

I should start planning but I'm tooooo tire . I'll plan it tomorrow morning.


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