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Salvatore School

Marcel and the Mikaelsons walked up to the School and walked in. As soon as they walked in all of the students and teachers stopped for a moment then continued until the heard a blood curdling scream. 

Everyone's heads snipped to the direction of the scream. It was Willa. She ran to Marcel and hugged him. He hugged back. Before anyone else could say a thing another scream rang out this time it was Willa's kids "BROTHER!!" all the kids screamed and ran to Marcel like Willa did. "What the bloody hell is going on here!!" Klaus practically yelled. "Well our big brother Marcee just came home so we would like it if you would shut up and leave us alone Klaus"Maverick said saying Klaus as if it was a bad word. 

"Maverick Freya Forbes-Parker be nice and let go of Marcellus." Willa scolded so Maverick let go of Marcel and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Well this has been fun but my mother and I have some catching up on. Also where is Papa Lucifer, Mazikeen, Baby Trix and Dad??" Marcel questions. "Lucifer I have know idea but if you pray to him he will know it is you, Mazikeen is out on a bounty hunt, Trixie is with your father, Nikolette and Ryder." Willa replied. 

Klaus was angry to say the least. Rebekah was confused and envious. Elijah was happy for Willa and Marcel. Kol as well was happy. Hope was jealous of Willa's Kids they had such a good bond and relationship. Freya was Happy and Marcel was over the moon with joy for seeing his mother and siblings.

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