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Mystic Grill/Willa POV

I am at The Grill with Nikolas, Alec, Maverick, Lizzie, Josie, Kael, Ameliana, Evie, Izzy, Eli, Nikolette, Ryder, Holland, Phoenix, Fisher and Zeppelin. We go over to a table and sit down to order. I get a Cheeseburger and Nikolas, Alec, Lizzie, Josie, Ameliana, Evie, Holland, Zeppelin and Fisher get the same while Maverick, Kael, Izzy, Eli, Nikolette, Ryder and Phoenix get Chicken Tenders!! 

We are all eating peacefully until the Mikaelsons Walk in the door. Phoenix, Maverick, Nikolas, Alec, Fisher, Zeppelin and Holland shot up out of their seats and stride over to their table. "Do you Dip-Shits follow us EVERYWHERE!!" Phoenix asks. "I mean It is nice to see Kol, Davina, Keelin and Freya but the rest of you all just don't stop!!" Phoenix adds. 

"Nice to see you too but Who are you??" Kol asks "I'm Phoenix AKA the best bitch, That's Holland the goody-to-shoes. That's Fisher the Douche and Zeppelin my Right hand man!" Phoenix answers "Holy MOTHER" Kol exclaims "You are supposed to be babies not as old as Alec, Maverick and Nikolas." Davina says.

"Well being a baby sucked so we asked Grandma-Bitch-Esther to help us out with a spell and here we are." Phoenix explains. "Don't worry though I put her on my torture in Hell to-do list" she adds on. "Ok who are you, Why are you here, Do you know who you are talking to and Why are you with my children??" Klaus asks angry

"I already introduced us, Why am I here?? I could ask you the same thing, You are Niklaus Mikaelson, Daddy issues, Cheater, Dick, ANNOYING as Hell and Sperm donor to my siblings. Does that answer your questions??" Phoenix says sarcastically. 

"Ok I see we got of on the wrong foot. I am Holland AKA carbon copy of Elijah Mikaelson. I am Respectful, Honorable and Compassionate I just don't wear suits." Holland Spoke up. "I am Fisher Cole. A carbon copy of My favorite uncle Kol. I don't give a shit, Handsome as Hell and a douche." Fisher said. "I'm Zeppelin and I am the carbon copy of The Dick Klaus which I hate by the way, I am Phoenix's' Right hand man, A ass, and stronger than anyone in this room." Zeppelin said.

"Oh really you wanna step outside BOY!!" Klaus said "Sure only if you wanna be beat by a Vampire, Witch, Werewolf, Angel, Demon, Banshee, Elemental, Syphon and Shadowhunter BOY"Zeppelin shot back.

 "Ok both of you stop, we all know who will win so Klaus sit down and Children come on we need to go see your father." I finally step in. A chorus of 'Ok' and 'Yes mom' came out of all of my children's mouths so we all walked out of the grill. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Maverick, Phoenix, Fisher Cole and Zeppelin stick up the middle finger and wave it in the air, I couldn't help but laugh at that!!

 Out of the corner of my eye I saw Maverick, Phoenix, Fisher Cole and Zeppelin stick up the middle finger and wave it in the air, I couldn't help but laugh at that!!

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