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The Mikaelsons ran at The Forbes and Parker kids. Willa used her Magic to stop Freya while Josie and Lizzie siphoned of of Lucifer. Alex and Nikolas ran at Elijah. Evie and Izzy were chanting protection spells on the others. Kai was using his witch powers to help Evie and Izzy. Mazikeen was fighting Rebekah. Lol and Davina were fighting Klaus with Marcel and Willa. 

Everything was in slow motion for Maverick who was watching closely at everyone. Her hands started to radiate red wisps of power. Nobody was paying attention to her or her anger. She is just getting more and more angry by the second. 

"EGAHHHHHH" she yelled and she lets go everybody flies back and are trapped against the wall afraid of what she will do to them. "STOP ALL OF YOU!! Do you not see how childish this is? I am the biggest bitch on the whole damn earth and even I know this is insane!! My siblings are the most important thing in my life and you are trying to kill them!!!! I could kill you but I won't. I understand the importance of family and all you guys are trying to do is help yours but that doesn't mean that you have to destroy another. I have lived for years afraid of myself but today I am going to let it all out. Kai, I am your daughter blood or not and I don't know what I would do without you. Klaus, you are a horrible monster you have no hesitation killing anyone who gets in your way. Elijah you are noble and kind but you hide behind that and and act like Klaus' bitch. Rebekah you are a person who is capable of great things but you follow Klaus around like a lost puppy, you can go off on your own and find love yet you sit and sulk. Freya, the lost Mikaelson. I am the one who helped you with the Hollow because I knew and you knew that you would die. I know what it is like to be forgotten so I do admire your determination to get to your family. Hope, you are not at fault you are just a reminder of what we could of had. I understand it isn't your fault but you will never will understand the pain of losing your first dad then having a new one, finding love then getting it ripped away from you, watching your mother break because her first love left her and her second died on her wedding day, having a friend they you love to the bottom of your heart get killed and tortured right in front of you. I have been through hell and back literally for my family and friends so when they get threatened I have a responsibility as the only sane person to kill them. I have now told you my story so I will let you go but threaten Mom, Dad, Alec,Nikolas,Kael, Ameliana, Lizzie, Josie, Izzy, Evie, Eli,  Ryder, Nikolette, Maze or Papa Luce again I will have your head. Understood??"

 Everyone was in tears and afraid. Maverick lets them go off the wall and walks out the Forbes, Saltzman, Parker and Morningstar family following close behind.

Willa Forbes-ParkerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ