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Willa POV

I woke up from my nap and got ready for the party. I am wearing a Pink to Blue ombre dress with white knee high boots. My hair is in a beach wavy ponytail. I walk down the stairs to see Marcel in a Blue suit with pink tie and shoes. "You look beautiful mother!" He exclaims "You look very handsome Marcellus." I returned. 

I walk outside to be greeted by My children, Kai, Elena, Damon, Caroline, Kol, Davina, Keelin, Freya, Tyler, Bonnie, Enzo and Matt. "Ok I know you all are thinking 'Why would Willa invite us all to a party for no apparent reason' and my answer to that is simple. We are going to have 4 new editions to the Forbes-Parker-Saltzman-Salvatore-Mikaelson clan!!" everyone just stood there until Caroline squealed and ran up to hug me.

"How come Marcel knew first? What are the Genders? Can you name them after me? How far along are you?" The questions just kept coming and coming so I answered "Marcel knew first because it had to be a surprise and he was already in the house. The genders I will tell you in a minute. I will think about naming one of them after you Damon. And I am 4 months pregnant with quadruplets." I needed to catch my breath after that. 

"Ok come inside and I will tell you the genders. Everyone walked inside to see it decorated with pink and blue. "First you need to predict the genders" everyone Grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it down.

 I think 2 girls 2 boys, Kai 4 boys, The Kids all picked 2 boys 2 girls except Maverick she wrote down 'Please just have a miscarriage' I chuckled a bit. Caroline and Bonnie think all girls, Damon and Enzo think 3 Boys 1 girl, Tyler and Matt, Kol, Davina think 1 boy 3 girls and Keelin and Freya think 4 boys. I laugh at the guesses

 "Ok the first baby is a Girl" everyone cheered! 

"The second baby is also a girl" everyone cheered again 

"Baby number 3 is a BOY!!!" I yelled everyone was ecstatic then quieted down for the last one. 

"Baby 4 is also A BOY" I yelled everyone was jumping up and down while Kai planted a kiss on my lips. 

3rd POV

Little did everyone know Klaus, Hayley, Rebekah and Elijah were standing outside the window watching the happy family dance and run around the house.  

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