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"Okay, five-alarm fire. We're third on the scene. Captain Mehta from the 133 is IC. It's his show. You guys know what to do. Gear up and stand by for a size-up," Bobby ordered.

"Jameson!" Mariana yelled as she moved to grab her hood and mask. "You're on ladder. Work with Carson on hose wherever IC directs you. Got it?"

"On it," he called back. The brunette yanked on her year and hoisted her SCBA tank onto her back, strapping it on over her bunker coat. Pulling off her cloth mask, the brunette yanked on her real face mask, ensuring it was attached to the air hose before she fixed her helmet on.

"You good, Buck?" she asked as he joined her in gearing up.

"Fine. Just want to get this over with, y'know?"

"Hey." She bumped her shoulder against his. "I need you in there with a clear head, okay?"

"Alright guys, listen up!" Bobby shouted. "It's a dangerous fire and a large one, so you stay with your teams. If you need to split off, you remember your hose line is your lifeline. You get lost, you find a wall. There are still twelve workers in there unaccounted for. Eddie, Mari, and I will be joining the 133, searching on the Charlie side. Hen, Chim, Buck, you will be running a team with two firefighters from the 141. Your entry point is the alpha side. Let's go!"

Mariana shot Buck an apologetic look before gravitating over to Eddie. Her husband immediately checked her SCBA tank to ensure it was working. He tapped her shoulder twice and she sent him a thumbs up, turning to check his own tank.

"We're good to go, Bobby," Mari announced.

Bobby led the way into the warehouse, giving room for Eddie to breach the door. They swept over the floor, calling out for survivors as flames jumped and licked at their feet. Accelerants were everywhere and Mariana grimaced at the thought of this place flashing over.

"LAFD!" Bobby shouted. Faintly, a voice called back and Eddie pointed in the direction. Mari paused, tilting her head to the side.

"I think there's someone to the west too," she yelled. "I can go."

"Not alone!" Bobby ordered. "Ramirez, Diaz, go check. We'll locate the east side."

They split up and Mari turned on her flashlight in hopes of adding some visibility to the smoke filled warehouse. Eddie pressed closer to her, keeping an eye out around the warehouse but still warily watching the flames sparking and crawling along the ceiling.

"I'm worried about Buck," she said. "He's shutting Chim and Maddie out."

"Give him time to feel," he called back. "He had a bomb dropped on him. He needs time to figure out how he feels."

"Doesn't make it any less frustrating." The brunette paused and pointed to her right. "I see movement there. LAFD!"

A woman weakly waved her hand, the smoke clearly affecting her. Mariana checked for spinal damage before looking up at her husband. The flames were getting dangerously close to some of the hand sanitizer and so Mariana made her next move without even thinking.

The latina crouched down and wrapped the woman's arms over her back. Standing quickly, Mari hoisted her up and over her back in a fireman's carry. Eddie gestured lamely at her and she waved him off.

"Yeah, yeah, you could have done it," she grunted out. "Now let's get out of here."

Cue her poor timing. The fire hit an accelerant and the Diazes hunkered down as a wall of fire shot up, spreading the flames further through the warehouse.

"Cap," Eddie shouted over the radio. "We've been cut off from you. We'll find another way out."

"Got it. You two be safe," Bobby ordered before addressing everyone. "IC, Captain Nash here. Be advised we have located seven victims, but we've had some accelerants ignite up here. We are separated from two of our team. Sending them back out."

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now