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Like every other time in her life, Mariana moved on. She didn't want to deal with the sad eyes Eddie sent her or the pangs of sadness that echoed and reverberated through her chest. So instead she threw herself into projects around the house. That meant Eddie was a frequent visitor at local garden shops, the grocery store, and even the craft store. Anything his wife and kids needed, he would get it.

"Goooood morning, Diazes," Buck announced as he let himself into the house. Mari poked her head out of the kitchen and grinned.

"Good morning," she greeted. "Ready to learn how to bake?"

"I know how to bake."

"Not well," she teased. "C'mon. Eddie and the boys are at the park to get some energy out so you get to be my tester."

"What are we baking today?" Buck asked as he joined her in the kitchen. He looked around the formerly blank space, amazed by how much it has changed in two years. When Eddie had first moved here and joined the 118, the house was barely decorated aside from Christopher's room. Now there were plants in the windows, kid's art hung up on the walls, and actual appliances in the kitchen.

"Muffins. Blueberry and chocolate chip. I've been craving muffins and I have no idea why."

Buck would never tell her but Eddie had let him know what happened. Mari had Eddie to lean on and Eddie needed to tell someone. Buck gladly took on his role as best friend and sat and listened as Eddie told him everything. Eddie had convinced Mari to schedule a doctor's appointment to figure out what the hell her symptoms were then, but the earliest she could get was next week.

So he would gladly be her kitchen helper if it kept her mind off of the negative test. He could see a hint of sadness clinging to the edges of her smile. Buck took that as a sign to throw a blueberry at her. Mariana glared at him and he merely shrugged.

"Brat," she muttered before flicking a chocolate chip at him. Buck neatly caught it in his mouth and she rolled her eyes. "Pass me the flour and the measuring cups."

"Aye aye, captain."

Mariana turned on some classic rock and the two got to work on the muffins. Twenty minutes later and they slid the two trays into the oven. Buck looked around the messy kitchen. "Time to clean?"

"Pfft, we can make Eddie do that. I want to hear all about your date." Mariana poured two glasses of lemonade and gestured for him to follow her out to the backyard. They sat on the edge of the patio, the spring sun beating down on them.

"So, where did you go? Was she nice? What did you wear?" Mariana grilled him. Buck awkwardly laughed and shrugged.

"We went to this Korean place and the food was really good. I wore the same stuff I wear for every date. We're actually planning on going on another date soon."

"Wow, you must like this girl."

"He's really great, yeah."

He ducked his head so he couldn't see her expression. Mari paused and then looked at him with a smile on her face. She reached over and squeezed his hand. "Thank you for telling me. I'm proud of you, no matter who you date. I will be giving him the shovel talk though."

Buck turned quickly, pulling her in for a tight hug. Mariana laughed in surprise and patted his back. "I love you, Buck. Nothing can ever change that. You love who you love."

"I didn't know how to tell anyone. You all know me to date women and now..."

"You're dating someone you find attractive and funny and kind." She pulled back and tapped his chest, right where his heart rested. "All that matters is how you feel here. You know no one on the team would care about who you bring home. We would just be content with you finding someone who treats you right. Does he?"

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now