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Her reaction was never discussed during dinner and Mariana thought she was fine until Bobby joined her in cleaning the truck. She was wiping down the interior from their last sooty call when Bobby climbed into the cab and shut the side door before gesturing for her to close the door on her side. Mariana sighed but complied nevertheless.

"What was that back there?" he asked kindly. "You looked as if Buck was about to hit you."

She leaned her head back on the headrest and let out a rush of air before nodding slowly. "Yeah, i-it happens sometimes. Yelling...arguing, it sets me off. Usually I can keep it under wraps and not react, but that's when I'm working or on a call. This is, uh, a safe place? I guess? For me, that is. And...y'know..." She trailed off and Bobby smiled gently in understanding.

"I'm sorry that we scared you, Mari. It was unprofessional of me and I shouldn't have yelled. Are you comfortable with telling me more about why you react that way?"

"Thought it was pretty obvious," she spat. "Got the shit kicked out of me as a kid. Bad foster placements and my, uh, my uncle wasn't the greatest caretaker. He, um, he was the worst. But they took me outta there when I was sixteen. My abuela took care of me and Luis after that." She fiddled with the respirator in her hand and refused to make eye contact but Bobby was proud of her for being so open. Mariana had been working at the station almost two years before he had joined and yet Hen and Chimney admitted that they didn't know much about her either. Mariana spoke about her work and some activities outside of work, that was it. She invited them to the soup kitchen, regaled them with stories about a crazy injury brought into the ER, or about a book she read. He had never heard about her family or anything that happened between them.

"Luis?" he asked.

"My brother." The answer was simple and curt and Bobby knew not to push it. He grabbed a respirator to help her with cleaning them down.

"Thank you for being willing to open up," he said, holding out his hand. Mariana finally made eye contact with him and hesitated but grabbed his hand. "We're a family here, Mari. No one will ever try to hurt you and if they do, they'll respond to me directly."

Mariana let a small hint of a smile creep onto her lips and Bobby would claim that to be one of the biggest victories in his time as captain so far. The moment was cut short by his phone ringing and he quickly answered.

"Hello? Who is this? Okay!" Bobby scrambled out of the truck and Mari followed suit, concerned at what the phone call was about.

"Alright everybody, let's gear up!" he shouted. "Let's go, let's go!"

"For what? I didn't hear a bell," Buck exclaimed.

"It's Chimney. Hustle everybody!"

The bell began to ring and dispatch announced an auto accident. Mariana could have sworn a blue streak. Driving angry wasn't driving smart. She grabbed her turnout gear and yanked it on in seconds before sprinting to the truck.

"I'll drive," she announced, not giving anyone else a choice. She barely gave Buck a chance to shut the door to the truck before she was peeling out of the garage, heading for the freeway.

"What was that about driving angry is driving stupid?" Hen called as Mariana accelerated down the road.

"I'm not angry," she replied calmly as her foot pressed on the gas. Flipping on lights and sirens, she merged onto the freeway and began to easily weave in and out of traffic. The flashing lights up ahead indicated that she was on the right track and she eased on the brakes, stopping just before the accident scene. Bobby was out of the truck before she even had the brake engaged.

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now