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Three weeks, seven hours, and eight minutes.

Three weeks, seven hours, and eight minutes of trading off shifts with Leslie, Athena, and the team. Two people sat with Mariana at all times. Bobby usually took the night shifts and slept on the couch in her room. He wanted to be there when she woke up.

They took her off the ventilator a week ago and pulled her off the medication that was inducing the coma three days ago. Now, the ball was in her court.

There had been no sign of movement or waking, but doctors claimed that tests showed brain activity. Her body was just doing what it needed to do to heal. However, they were hesitant in saying she would be fine. If she didn't wake up in the next few days, her chances of waking up ever again would shrink considerably.

When the 118 was working, Leslie and ER nurses traded off sitting with Mariana. When they were working, the 118 and Athena traded off sitting with her. Today, Bobby and Athena were sitting on the couch on watch. Buck and Chimney would be by to relieve them in a few hours but the new couple was taking this time to finish paperwork and talk about life. Their relationship was fresh and shaky but their concern and love for the young woman lying in the bed before them provided them an opportunity to discuss life and grow closer.

"Poor kid has witnessed every one of her family members die. It's a miracle her heart is as big as it is. If it were anyone else, they'd probably have a file on my desk for committing some dumbass crime. Other than racing, she's a perfect citizen. She just beats herself up for the things she couldn't control," Athena sighed as she closed her laptop.

"I mean, she does like to fight. Verbally," Bobby chuckled. "I have had my head bitten off by her many times."

"Oh, you deserved it probably. Kid's vicious but only when she feels threatened or doesn't trust you."

"She was becoming happier, wasn't she? Her and Buck started a prank war around the station and I'd never seen her laugh so much until she served him macaroni and mustard."

Athena walked over to the latina's side and she sighed, smoothing down the limp and greasy strands of Mariana's dark hair. Some color had returned to her skin, but she still looked closer to death's door than any of them appreciated.

"This girl evaded the police for four years and could have run after that crash but she stayed behind to save a man's life. Did you know she was the best driver in LA?" Athena glanced back at Bobby who set his book off to the side.

"...south," a voice croaked out.

Athena's head snapped to stare down at Mariana. The brunette's eyes were opened just slightly and a half smirk played on her lips.

"What?" Athena choked out, elation spilling over her heart at the sight of the conscious girl.

"Best driver...south LA."

Bobby quickly joined Athena's side and pressed the call button for the nurse, a smile growing on his face. Mariana tilted her head to see them better, an unfamiliar emotion shining in her eyes.

"Welcome back, Mari," Bobby said. "We've missed you."

Once the doctors cleared her and declared that she must be protected by "some sort of guardian angel" did Bobby call everyone. Mariana was awake and alert but she was content with just sitting in bed and drifting off into naps. Her injuries still pulled and ached fiercely so she avoided moving as much as possible.

"How do you feel?" Buck asked as he leaned against the chair he was seated in next to her bed.

"Well, I'm not dead. So, better than that I guess."

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now