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 "Are they aware that they're doing something illegal right now?" Mari barked from the driver's seat of the truck. "It is illegal to not move for emergency vehicles."

"You're one to talk about legality and driving," Chim commented.

"Eddie, be a dear and shove him out of the cab."

She yanked the truck into a stop and threw a glare over her shoulder before stomping out with a huff. Bobby exchanged a glance with the other four, knowing what they were all thinking. Ever since the fight between her and Buck and the tsunami that followed, Mariana had been chewing everyone out. Eddie was lucky to get away from the worst of it but now he had to deal with Momma Bear Mariana who was constantly fussing over Christopher. He could sense something was off but she refused to open up. It wasn't rare for him to wake up in an empty bed to find her seated out on the front porch watching the sun rise. Occasionally she would have her phone in hand, thumb poised over Buck's name.

But she never called.

"You and I both know we would be here much faster if it wasn't for fucking idiots," Mariana snapped.

"Someone's gonna have to explain that to the new fire marshal," Hen hummed.

"Yeah, whatever," she muttered.


"I wasn't really sure what to say after that," Chim sighed as they suited up for work. "Hey Maddie, you know I'm nothing like your psycho ex-husband, right? I'm not the kind of guy you need to be afraid of. Cause she was. I mean, it was just for a second but she looked scared. Not sure what to do with that."

"Chim, PTSD can affect survivors at the most random times. Triggers come out of nowhere. Once Eddie asked me to grab socks for Christopher and I damn near ran out of the house. It's hard but you have to communicate around triggers." Mariana nudged Eddie who was yawning next to her and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Is my crisis boring you?" Chim drawled.

"Sorry, didn't get much sleep last night. Christopher's been having nightmares ever since the tsunami."

"He and half the city. That's expected though, right?" Chim sighed.

"He's waking up screaming and crying. I tried talking to him about it but he won't open up to me. Says he's fine."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mariana exclaimed. "Eddie, I know the number of a child psychologist in LA."

"I didn't want to worry you," he assured her. "You've been dealt a full deck recently and the last thing you need is something else on your plate."

"Christopher is not just something else, okay? You do not get to determine what I can or cannot handle, Edmundo," she hissed. "I am fine."

She turned to walk upstairs and saw Buck standing near the stairs. The latina set her jaw, shook her head, and went left towards the supply closet instead. She was tired of dealing with people right now.


Inhaling deeply, Mariana laid back in the tub with her eyes screwed shut. The warm water washed over her face and threw her into memories.

Rain clung to every part of her as she stared at the house before her. The officer that stood behind her rested a comforting hand on her shoulder as they watched Daniel be walked out of the house in cuffs. Neighbors stood on their porches and watched, horror creeping into their hearts as they realized what happened. All those times they saw the teen girl with casts and was never volleyball like Valentina told everyone.

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now