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The dinner table was cleared of any and all decorations. This was a dangerous time so all projectiles needed to be moved out of the area.

Chimney sat on the sidelines of the match, his cards held loosely in their hands. Bobby volunteered to be the peacekeeper to make sure no blood was shed. Hen was seated at the other end of the table, staring at her phone. She hadn't been very talkative all day.

Mariana's hazel eyes narrowed as she stared down at the blond sitting across from her. His eyebrow quirked up in a challenge and she scowled and slapped down her blue six.

"Take four," Buck announced, throwing his card into the pile. "Uno."

"Fuck you!" she snapped.

"Language!" Bobby called.

"That's six in a row, Bobby! He has to be cheating!"

"Or maybe you're just awful at Uno," Chimney commented.


"Aw, come on Mari. I can't help being so good at this," Buck laughed.

"I revoke my friendship. Friendship over. I cannot be friends with an Uno cheater."

Buck hopped over the table, ignoring Bobby's protest, and pulled Mariana into a bear hug. She shrieked and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as he paraded her around the living area and kitchen.

"I told you," Hen chuckled. "Those two? Reckless alone. Hellions together."

Their goofing off ended when the bell rang out. Mariana caught onto the words of "man in a garbage truck" and instantly looked to Bobby. Her captain hesitated before asking, "Will you be alright?"

"I'm the best driver you have. My therapist cleared me. I can do it."

"Then let's go chase down a garbage truck."

Mariana gave them one minute to gear up and grab their things before she was pulling out of the garage. By the time they found the real truck, Mariana was itching for some action. She hadn't pushed her speed limit past the point of what was good for her so she was looking for something else to put her energy into.

"You run the compactor?" Bobby asked as they hopped out. "What kind of pressure does it run at?"

"I-I don't know," the sanitation worker stammered. "2,000 PSI? Maybe more?"

Hen and Mari were already lowering the ladder and climbing up into the truck.

"Hello? Is anybody down there? Can you hear us?" Hen called. Mariana jumped onto the piles of trash bags and started throwing the bags out of the truck. Hen quickly joined her as Buck called for Chimney to bring a shovel.

"Come on, what are you, scared to get your hands a little dirty Buck?" Hen snapped. Mari's eyebrows shot up as she glanced at her friend. Hen normally never lost her cool.

"So he was sleeping in a dumpster but he had a cellphone?" Buck asked.

"They give them to the homeless. It's part of the lifeline program. Keeps them connected to family, if they have any," Chimney informed him.

"Nowadays, cell phones are a necessity. It's how you get jobs, help, or contact potential landlords. Housing in LA is so expensive that it's nearly impossible to get the first three rent payments. It's easier to pay a phone bill than rent," Mari added.

It took them twenty minutes before they were able to find the guy. Hen immediately launched into action as Bobby ordered Chimney and Mari to grab a backboard and collar. Extraction was easy enough and as they loaded Sam onto the gurney, Mari leaned over to see his face.

"Once you get to the hospital, tell them to call the New Life Center. Ask for Marley or Jake and they'll come help you, okay?"

He murmured out a thank you and she patted his hands before stepping back to let them load him into the ambulance. Buck came up from behind her and wrapped his arm over his shoulder.

"So, you know a lot about this because you volunteer, right? Can I come next time you go?" he asked.

"Of course," she said before she shrugged off his arm. "You smell like garbage."


"Now can anyone tell me what three numbers to call if you need help?" Mariana asked. She planted her hands firmly on her hips and searched the crowd for raised hands. A young girl at the front was wiggling excitedly in her seat so Mariana called on her, a small grin on her face.

"You call 9-1-1!" the girl exclaimed.

"Very good! And your name is?"


"Nice work, Ainsley. Now can anyone tell me what we call 911 for?"

After question time was finished, Mari broke the kids up into two groups and sent them to tour the trucks with some of the truck guys. She leaned against one of the pillars and watched them excitedly climb into the truck.

"Thank you for setting this up," a voice said beside her. She shrugged and glanced over at the aging woman next to her.

"I remember what it was like being a foster kid. This is just an opportunity for them to escape that world for a bit and just be a normal kid. I was actually thinking about creating a program for kids who are aging out to volunteer here and learn the ropes."

"That would be amazing. I will definitely help you set it up."

"How's Diego?" Mari tried to look uninterested but tension radiated through her body at the question that fell from her lips.

"He's good. We still send a social worker to check on him every month. He mentioned you once. Valentina has photos of Luis and Jess and you in his room. You know that if you ever change your mind, your name is listed as his rightful guardian..."

"I'm too fucked up to take care of a kid, Lisa. I'm a reformed street racer with a shit ton of trauma. If he's doing good at Valentina's...I can't pull him out now."

"You still hate her."

"She sat back and watched him drop me from a balcony. Am I supposed to take her out and get our nails done?"

"No, but you can let go of some of your anger. You're young, Mariana. You didn't have it easy but everyone can see that you're determined to make sure no kid grows up like you did. Go easy on yourself."

Mariana sighed but before she could respond, Ainsley called out for "Miss Mari!" and the brunette pushed off the wall to scoop her up, spin her around, and carry her to the ambulance so she could talk more about her job.

"She's really good with kids," Buck observed from where he and Bobby were watching.

"She knows how they feel. They're all foster kids living in a group home right now. Mari volunteers her time there because it's the same group home she lived in between placements."

"Mari was a foster kid?"

"For three years before her aunt and uncle took her in."

"But...her uncle..."

"Yeah," Bobby sighed. "Kid never got a break."

A/N: literally I cannot believe how well received this story has been. You all are so so so amazing and I love reading all the sweet comments and speculations. You inspire me to keep writing and I am so excited for Mariana's story to progress.

As for if she will end up with Eddie, hmm I can't say :). If she does, then will someone get with Buck? Maybe ;) he deserves some love after that finale haha

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now