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Warmth enveloped Mariana as she laid back on the towel that covered the sand. Her dark hair spilled over her shoulder freely, her elbow propping up her body as she leaned closer to the strong body next to her. Eddie shifted towards her, his eyes never leaving the young boy playing in the sand ahead of them.

"Look at him," Eddie chuckled. "I feel like I won the lottery."

"He seems happy," Mari hummed.

"I swear that kid was born happy."

"I have no idea where he gets it."

"From me clearly."

"You? Uh, I think it's my divine influence."

Eddie's body shook with laughter and he pulled her into his chest, tickling her side. She grabbed his arms and held them at his side, her amber eyes narrowed playfully.

"If anything, I hope you influence his brain. He can't get by on just my good looks. You're the smart one."

Mari groaned with a grin and rolled her eyes, lightly smacking his chest. "Eso que ni que, pinche pendejo."

He silenced her sharp mouth with a chaste kiss, a grin breaking across his lips once he pulled away. "He likes having you around."

"Hmmm?" Her eyes fluttered open as he brushed some hair out of her face.

"We both do."

"Good, because I like being around."

A comfortable silence enveloped them as they turned their attention back to Christopher. Eddie sighed and nervously ran his hand along her forearm, drawing her attention back to her. A silent question passed between them and he swallowed past the lump of nerves in his throat.

"Shannon has stopped pursuing a divorce. I've been letting her lead this whole time and it's gone radio silence. She's been mentioning wanting custody. I think she's feeling more comfortable with co-parenting and maybe...maybe she wants back in," he admitted.

"Okay," she breathed. "And how does that make you feel?"

"I don't know, mariposa. There's a lot of stuff to think about and I don't want to make a wrong choice or misstep."

"Whatever you choose will be right for Christopher. He's all that matters, right? A lot is changing so you just need to take one step at a time."

"One step," he repeated, doubt leaking into his words. Fear pushed up in his chest reminding him that Shannon had left once.

But Mariana could still leave just the same.

Christopher called for them to see his sandcastle and Mariana hopped up to join Christopher, leaving him to stare at her retreating form. Would there be a day where he watched her walk away, only for her to never return?


"So, now we're doing lineups?" Buck asked as Chimney studied the firefighters before him. Mariana had her hip popped out and she rested her arm across her chest, studying her nails with disdain. Her reputation as the "Brass Breaker" still lived on even if Bobby was the only captain that was able to manage her. He knew not to try and push her with orders and let her do her own thing and in return, she would listen when needed.

"Listen up! Because the word of the day is hose maintenance," Chimney announced.

"Okay, I'm out," Hen declared.

"No way in hell are you making me do what I already do every damn shift," Mariana snorted.

"C'mon, Ramirez," Chimney cheered. "You can be our first demonstrator."

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora