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Mari doesn't know what happened. One second she's bent over a patient as Hen is sprinting towards her while the bank vault door closes and the next second she's falling asleep with the sounds of Eddie and Bobby shouting at her to stay awake.

That must have been some crazy dream. Or was it a dream? She remembered Christopher waking her up this morning like usual. Eddie learned quickly that while the dark haired latina seemed to run off a crazy amount of energy but only after she had some coffee in her. So they made a deal. On the days she slept over, Mariana got to sleep in while Eddie got Christopher up and ready for school and started the coffee. Christopher would wake Mariana up and greet her with her morning hug before the paramedic started breakfast.

Christopher already woke her up though. She had made eggs and bacon before she and Eddie dropped Christopher off at school and headed into work. Right?

"-ana! Mari, wake up."

She blearily blinked her eyes open once, twice, a third time before she realized where she was.

"Oh, what the hell?" the dark haired woman yelped, jumping into a seated position. Her vision went dizzy for a second and she groaned, clutching at her head in an attempt to make the world stop spinning.

"You're okay. You and Hen were knocked out with the vault guy," Eddie explained. An arm slid along her back and gently lowered her back down to the ground while a bright light invaded her sight. She groaned and shut her eyes, fighting back against the penlight.

"Sorry," Eddie murmured. "How do you feel?"

"I've never been hungover, but I'm starting to think this is how it feels," she grunted, turning her face so his thigh blocked out the light streaming in. His gloved hand brushed along her cheek and she sighed.

"EMTs are going to transport you and Hen to the hospital and I'll be there the second we're done here, okay?"

"I'm okay," she mumbled. "Don't gotta worry about me."

"Might not have to, but I want to."


A day later and Mariana found herself in a place she thought she would be in sooner. One IV drip of saline and an eight hour nap later and she was feeling back to normal. However, the second she woke up from her nap and got discharged from the hospital, Crystal drove her home where she got dressed and was promptly picked up by the police on suspicion of aiding and abetting a robbery.

All in all, a fucking wild ride of twenty-four hours.

"As you can see by the videotape of the vault, I was unconscious," Mariana announced. "I had clearly been doing my job before I passed out and ended up in the hospital. So, I have no idea where you think I had the time or the ability to steal some cash."

"You were the diversion, of course," Detective Mercer stated simply. Mariana held back the eye roll that was threatening to break to the surface. She had promised Athena and Bobby that she would behave. The latina shifted in her chair and pursed her lips, her brow furrowing as she tried to wrap her mind around what the hell they were accusing her with.

"Now, we've heard from your teammates that you call yourselves a family. That must be a touchy subject for you, not to mention the multiple disciplinary reports your former captains have written," Detective Wash added.

Mariana sank back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest, a bored expression on her face. "Is that your evidence? That some old guys couldn't handle a little sass?"

"You appear to be an outstanding citizen from the outside. Paramedic firefighter, ER nurse, volunteering at the soup kitchen and at the group home. But your file indicates a different story. Foster kid bounced from home to home until your uncle and aunt took you in. Arrested at nineteen for illegal street racing."

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now