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Two weeks. Two miserable fucking weeks with no signs of improvement. Mariana took off work to juggle taking care of the boys and keeping a vigil next to Eddie's bed when someone could watch the boys. She had caved and brought them by a week in, hoping that maybe it would spark a miracle and he would wake up.

"What's wrong with Dad?" Christopher asked as she stopped them in front of the door to Eddie's ICU room. She kneeled down so she could see both Chris and Diego directly in the eyes.

"You know that Dad and I have a dangerous job and sometimes accidents happen. He had a fall and hit his head really hard. Y'know how when you have stomach aches, I tell you to take a nap? Well, Dad is sleeping to get better. But he might be able to hear you so you should tell him all about what he's missed."

The words had felt heavy on her tongue because there was no way of knowing if or when he would get better. The doctors had been so confident at first in saying he would wake up soon, but now the whispered quietly around her that the longer he remained unresponsive meant less of a chance of waking up at all. Mari didn't know if she was lying to the kids. Or was she lying to herself?

They had no clue about the severity of the situation as they rambled on and on. A nurse stayed behind as Mariana left the room so she could compose herself.

And now it was another week gone and Mariana felt herself losing hope. Her hand drifted down to the bump that had seemingly popped out overnight. She swallowed back the burn of tears that threatened to burst forward at the idea that Peanut might never meet the person who loved them as much as, if not more, than Mari.

After the initial reaction to the news, Mariana hadn't let herself cry. She had come close plenty of times but right now, she needed to be strong for her family. Even when she was alone in their bed with his pillow pulled to her chest, she stopped the tears from falling just in case one of them needed her.

"Ready?" Athena asked from the doorway of the bedroom. Mariana dropped her hands to her sides and nodded. She grabbed her purse off of the bed and followed the older woman out of the house and to her car. The boys were being doted on by Pepa so Mariana could head to a checkup. It was earlier than the normal four weeks but her OB insisted when she heard about the stress the brunette was facing.

Buck had volunteered to go with her but they were on shift and with both Eddie and Mariana removed from the lineup, there was no way he could get out of work. Athena gladly stepped up to come along and be there for her. The car ride was silent as Mariana tried to avoid Athena's worried glances by staring at the world outside.

The checkup was the normal procedure. Masks on until they get into the room, comfy clothes that can be adjusted over the rounding of her stomach so they can do an ultrasound, and the cold as hell gel.

And the lack of Eddie who had been there at every single checkup since they first found out their were pregnant.

"How are you feeling?" Athena asked gently as the ultrasound technician set up the machine and prepped the wand. Mariana stared at the ceiling blankly and shrugged.

"As well as you can be when your husband is five floors above you hooked to a heart monitor," she replied dryly.

"A little cold," the technician said softly before applying the gel and then moving the wand around. Mariana's eyes stared at the screen as Peanut's little form appeared and she let out a sigh of relief.

"All good, mama. And it looks like baby is giving us an early gift. Usually we can't tell the gender until eighteen weeks but they're at the perfect position to tell. Do you want to know?"

"I-" Mariana snapped her jaw shut and she stared at the grainy black and white image on the screen before nodding. "Yeah, we agreed that we wanted to know."

"You're having a little girl, Mrs Diaz."

Her breath caught in her throat and Mariana felt the oncoming barrage of tears build fast. She tried to blink past them, but the hot tears started coursing down her cheeks faster than she could stop them. Athena bent down, enveloping her daughter in a tight hug as Mariana let out a broken sob.

"What do you want? Be honest," Mari hummed as Eddie traced shapes against the small, barely visible swell of her stomach.

"Some peace and quiet," he teased, leaning down to steal a kiss from her grinning lips. She rolled her eyes and poked his temple.

"Be serious."

"The obvious answer is a healthy baby. But honestly...a girl. A little girl that has your eyes and your brain and your heart. Maybe not your stubborn attitude, I got enough of that from you and Diego."

He grabbed her hand before she could smack his shoulder and pulled it to his lips, pressing kisses against her skin. "I know for sure that Peanut will be absolutely perfect, no matter what."

"Let it out, honey," Athena soothed. "It's okay to hurt."

"I wish he was here," Mari wept. "I can't do this alone."

"You're not alone. You're never alone. He'll wake up soon and even if the absolute worst happens, you will always and I mean always have us."

Mariana clung to Athena tightly as the older woman rocked her gently as if she wasn't a thirty year old woman but that scared nineteen year old she met at a car crash. The world was too damn cruel, honestly, considering all that the Diazes have faced. They never seemed to catch a break.

Athena honestly didn't know how much longer Mariana could keep this up until she finally collapsed. They really needed Eddie to wake up or she would be finding out that answer sooner than later.

A/N: it's just something sad for you all bc i love u hehe

also i'm hoping to update my marvel story today or tomorrow bc FATWS has my heart if u like marvel PLS check it out ok love u bye

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