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"Shut up! I need to think!"

"Eh, should've tried thinking before he ended up on a roof," Eddie said dryly as he looked up at the guy pacing along the roof. "I mean, he cornered himself."

"That there is a whole series of bad life choices culminating in this one unfortunate moment. It'd be tragic if it wasn't so moronic," Hen replied.

"Why don't they just storm the roof?" Chimney asked. "It's not that high. We can give 'em a ladder."

"It's a tactic negotiators use to drag out the process in order to wear down the suspect," Bobby explained. "Eventually they hit a breaking point."

"Or we do."

"Hey, I lasted out the police for four years," Mariana retorted.

"You also had a car and functioning brain cells," Chimney fired back. She shrugged but a grin played on her lips as she leaned back against the truck.

"Ten bucks says he falls right off that roof," Hen announced.

"Twenty says he makes a leap for the tree," Eddie returned, holding out some cash for her. "C'mon, the guy's got at least one more bad life choice left in him."

"Eddie!" Mariana admonished. "Twenty he gets pushed off the roof."

Everyone turned their heads to stare at her in confusion and Mari smirked. Wordlessly, Hen reached out and everyone placed their cash in her hands.

One Hour In


"You're a cardshark," Bobby grouched. Mari grinned at him over the last card in her hand. Athena pursued her lips in thought before laying down a red four. Bobby sighed heavily and tossed down a blue four. Hen took that as her chance to throw down a +4.

"You motherfu-" Mariana exclaimed.

"Ah! Ah!" Athena cut her off. "Language!"

Two Hours In

"Ugh, my feet hurt. My back hurts. My head hurts," Mariana complained. Eddie patted the ledge of the cabin and she climbed up without complaint. He tugged off her boots and started pressing down on her feet until her body relaxed and she laid her head back against the seat.

"You're a miracle worker," she sighed. "Ugh, I need new shoes for work."

"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired. You wear me out."

"Oh, it's my fault?"

"Yeah. You kept me up late with Dateline."

"Uh huh sure. As if you weren't sucked in."

She stuck her tongue out at him and he pretended to reach out and grab it. Mariana dodged his hand with a laugh.

"Nice try, eight pack."

"What did you just call me?"

Three Hours In

"Pizza!" Eddie announced. Mariana, Hen, and Chimney poked their heads out of the ambulance and made grabby hands for one of the boxes.

"I'm starving," she exclaimed.

The three paramedics set about devouring the pizza, their unfinished game of spades in front of them.

Four Hours In

"So you had a bad date with this girl and now Albert is sleeping with her? Ouch, that must be awkward."

"I have another date lined up soon but damn, you're right. I didn't even think she was Albert's type."

"What's this about another date? I want the deets."

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum