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"Sixteen year old female fell from a second story balcony. No prior history of illnesses and no medications. Alert and talking on the ambulance. Possible concussion. Broken femur, two cracked ribs, and lacerations on her hands and knuckles."

"What happened to this poor thing?"

"Surgery needed..."

"No family except a little brother..."


The memories shattered with the collision of her fists against the punching bag. Mariana whirled around, her foot slamming into the leather bag as it swung from the rafters. Faces swam in the vision of her memory but she shoved them aside and instead let her fists beat the leather.

"Mariana," Chimney called as he exited the locker room. She dropped her fists to her side and sighed, turning to face him. The older man offered her a crooked smile and walked over to the mini gym set up they had in the firehouse.

"Gotta stop beating yourself up kid."

"I'm not beating myself up. I'm beating the bag."

"You know what I mean. You've done good."

"I could do better."

He sighed and shook his head. "One of these days, Mari, you're going to realize that you can't blame yourself for everything. You're a good kid."

"Aw, is Chimney getting soft? Do you care about my feelings?" she mocked as she stripped off her gloves and began to unravel the wraps around her hands and wrists.

"You're also an asshole when people care about you," he snarked back. She shot him a devilish smirk before heading towards the locker room. He watched her saunter over to the lockers and ran a hand down his face.

"One day she won't win. One day!"

"Are you talking to yourself, Chim? That's a sign of insanity," Hen called as she walked by him. Her partner muttered something under his breath before following her upstairs.


"Adult male down on the hillside, we got three kids in a bouncy house," Hen informed dispatch. Mariana was already gearing up to climb down the cliff face, knowing she would be sent to help the father.

"Alright, we're going to stage the trucks on that service road. Hen, I want you and Buck to rappel down, anchor that bouncy house. Assess the condition of those kids, start to send them down one-by-one in a basket. Mari, you and I will take care of the dad," Bobby ordered. "Chimney, you're going to stay up here and work the winch."

Mariana shot him a thumbs up before jogging to the truck to grab her med bag. She clipped on her climbing helmet and strapped her bag onto her back before rejoining them at the cliff edge. Chimney clipped her harness onto the line and Mariana slowly backed her way to the edge.

"Mari, you're good to go," Chim announced and she quickly stepped back, catching her boots on the cliff face. Slowly but surely, Mariana dropped down the cliff and closer to the father. Calls like these were some of the more fun ones, in her opinion. She loved being able to do the more dangerous things which Bobby liked to call it her "inability to assess potential dangers and damages".

Landing smoothly on the ground, she radioed up her location and unclipped herself from harness as Bobby joined her. Mariana hurried to the father's side, carefully stopping him from moving.

"Cameron..." the man groaned.

"Sir, I need you to not move for me. Okay? Stay still and we will get you to safety as soon as possible," she informed him, keeping her voice soft and soothing. There was a switch between Mariana in the field and off the field. In the field, whether nursing or firefighting, she was calm and composed for the patient. She knew how to ensure patients were relaxed and assured them of their safety.

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now