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There was one hour left to the Christmas eve shift and Bobby announced that they were going for a quick drive. He wouldn't let Mariana drive and instead forced the brunette to sit in the back with a smug looking Chimney.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked. "Do I have something on my face?"

"Chim, stop antagonizing Mari," Hen sighed.

"She just makes it so easy!"

"I'm going to take your present and shove it u-"

"Kids! Can we behave?" Bobby shouted from the passenger seat. Buck had the privilege of being the driver as Mariana pouted in the back. But her mood changed once she recognized where they were driving to. She perked up in her seat, tilting her head to the side as she studied the landscape they passed. She was familiar with this drive because she made it constantly.

Buck pulled to a stop in front of the cemetery gates and they slowly filed out. Bobby opened one of the side compartments and pulled out five bouquets of snowdrop flowers. He passed them out to the team, handing the last one to Mariana. She stared up at him with glossy eyes as he offered her a gentle, fatherly smile.

"It's only right that you get to celebrate Christmas with your family too," he said.

"I-I haven't been by since the shooting," she stammered out. "I wouldn't know what to say."

"Then let us do the talking," Hen assured her.

They silently followed Mariana to the line of Ramirez tombstones. Each person laid a bouquet down at each gravestone before stepping back. Mariana laid the final bouquet at Luis' grave, her hands trembling.

Buck wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his side, lending her some strength. He hugged her comfortingly, his eyes never leaving the names that laid before them.

"Mr and Mrs Ramirez, Senora Ramirez, Luis and Jess," Bobby started. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Captain Bobby Nash of the 118, Mariana's captain. We wanted to come by and thank you for creating, raising, and loving such an amazing, brave, strong, and capable young woman. When we almost lost her earlier this year, we realized just how much our lives would change for the worse without such a bright soul in it."

"We wanted you to know that we've got her back. Mari's our family too and while we know you are watching over here everyday, we gladly will share that responsibility with you. This team is her family and no matter what, we will be by her side to weather every storm."

The small brunette pulled away from Buck and wrapped her arms around Bobby, hugging her adoptive father with all her might. "Thank you. Thank you all so much."

She pulled back so she could see them all. "Thank you to this team for giving me a reason to live and to fight. I wouldn't change it for the world."


Mariana hefted her bag up onto her shoulder and waved bye to her team. "Merry Christmas guys. Have a great day with family!"

Although she was invited to the Grant household for dinner, Mari would be spending her Christmas morning completely alone. Her plan was to sleep in as late as possible and then she would watch trashy reality TV shows until she had to go to the Grants.

Stepping out of the firehouse made her realize just how alone she would be this Christmas. This was normal, it happened every year. But something just felt empty in her chest as she thought about it.

"Mariposa, wait up!"

She stopped and turned to see Eddie jogging to catch up to her. The lights of the firehouse and the string lights on all the surrounding buildings added a glow to his face that added a glow to his face and made his dark eyes appear lighter. She tilted her face up to see him better, her dark hair spilling over her shoulders in loose waves.

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now