thirty-seven - season three

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"That's at least one hundred, maybe one ten," Mariana muttered as her eyes followed the car on the TV screen. "Absolute idiot."

"I'm sure Athena would love to have you in the driver's seat right now," Bobby observed from his spot next to her. The latina snorted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Athena once rode along in an ambo call and it's the closest I've ever seen her to throwing up. I was called the best street racer in south LA for a reason."

The suspect had no intention in slowing down and Mariana could see that his driving was becoming more erratic. That car definitely wasn't built for racing either. Bobby's phone rang and he quickly answered before placing it on speaker.

"It's for you," he announced as Mariana's eyebrow shot up in an inquisitive glare.

"Are you watching the pursuit?" Athena's voice came over the line.

"Yeah. What's up? Is he a driver I might know?"

"Young kid took his dad's vintage out for a spin. He can't slow down."

Mariana swore under her breath before replying. "So you can't do spike strips because the kid will just flip. And no PIT either. That's a convertible, isn't it?"

"How about an intentional crash?"

"And hit what? The barrier? No matter what speed he's at there's a high chance if it's above forty he'll be dead on impact."

"How about a moving vehicle? One that could absorb some of the speed and stop him?"

A wicked grin spread across the young woman's lips and she nodded. "Get that car down to sixty and I can do the rest."

"Before we get ahead of ourselves here, didn't you just come back from long term medical leave due to broken ribs? Are you sure about this?" Bobby asked.

"I'm the best driver in this house and this is a difficult maneuver. Relax, Bobby, it'll be fun!"

Mariana hurried down the stairs as he finished his call with Athena. The bell started to wail the second her foot hit the bottom step and she quickly bolted towards the lockers on the apparatus wall. Just as she reached for her bunker gear, a hand stopped her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Eddie Diaz asked.

"Don't know if you heard but as of this morning, I'm reinstated with the LAFD and will be joining you on this call."

" just got back."

She rolled her eyes as she slid on her turnout pants and pulled her suspenders over her shoulder. Her jacket soon followed and she found the familiar weight welcoming upon her shoulders.

"Hey, at least this time I'll be wearing a seatbelt," she sang as she passed him.

"Not funny!" he called.

She missed the firetruck and she especially missed the feeling of a wheel under her hands. For months, everyone insisted on driving her around. Not because they were scared that she would race but rather because they were all terrified of possibly losing her after her and Buck's injuries in the last crash. Hell, Eddie even insisted on picking her up and driving her into work today.

"I missed you," she cooed.

"We missed you too, kid," Chimney said over the radio. She stifled a chuckle as she pulled out of the garage and turned down the road.

"I was talking to the truck. I kinda feel bad. We reunite and now I'm going to hurt her."

"We're using the truck as a way to slow down the car and stop the driver. He's a fifteen year old kid who can't slow it down," Bobby explained. "They're clearing a stretch of Woodley Avenue. We'll meet them there."

"How fast is he going?" Hen asked.

"One-oh-five. Once he gets to Woodley, he'll hit the brakes, hope he slows down a little. And that's where we come in."

"That's a vintage car," Chimney added.

"Worried about damaging a class, Chim?" Eddie teased.

"I'm worried about damaging a kid. Airbags weren't standard until the eighties."

"Car that old and we're lucky it has a shoulder harness," Hen sighed.

"But if they can get it down to 60 or 70..." Eddie mused.

"I like his chances better. That's why we're not doing an abrupt stop. Simple physics. We're going to absorb his energy and some of the hit and I'll carry us a few feet until we get down to forty and thirty and then it'll be safe to stop," Mariana announced.

"What kind of crazy person came up with this plan?" Hen scoffed.

"My wife." "And me!" Bobby and Mariana chimed in at the same time.

The firetruck pulled onto the access road next to Woodley Avenue and Mariana increased her speed just a hint before preparing to turn. Her mind narrowed in on the car racing towards them as she turned onto Woodley.

"Brace yourselves!" she barked out.

Mariana eased her foot off of the gas and onto the brakes while ensuring that they were aligned with the yellow vintage. The kid's car was rattling and shaking from braking and Mariana slowed down to fifty and braced herself against the seat. The entire truck lurched forward with the weight of the hit and Mariana grit her teeth to ensure she didn't bite down on her tongue as she clenched her jaw.

Fifty, forty, thirty, twenty. Her foot pressed harder and harder while she maintained a steady grip on the wheel so the car didn't go flying off of her back if she accidentally twisted the wheel. The whole truck slid to a stop and everyone fell back against their seats with sighs of relief.

Immediately, everyone began rushing out of the truck to help the kid but Mariana stayed behind. She shut her eyes and took slow, deep breaths. You're fine. You're not nineteen anymore and in that crash. You were saved from the firetruck. You're fine. You're here.

By the time she was able to calm herself down and climb out of the truck, the ambulance was just starting to pull away. Mariana joined her team and avoided their glances by focusing her gaze on the bumper of the truck.

"Not too bad," she commented. "Well, I mean, I've seen worse."

They all knew what she was referencing the truck bombing a few months prior that left Buck out of the field still and Mariana with four broken ribs and internal bleeding. They just didn't know if she was talking about the truck or herself.

A/N: hnghhh I struggled with last chapter and this chapter bc I feel like there's a disconnect between the two but I didn't know what to put that could bridge the gap

school started last Monday and hasn't been too much work just yet. I have been running around trying to juggle work and school but I think I'll be okay. Lowkey had a mental break down like two nights ago but who doesn't have one of those every school year?

Pls comment and lemme know how you think the story is going/what you like/what you don't like thank u luv u have a good week

I feel v empty rn and lacking in creative energy but I want to keep y'all updated but I also don't want to produce crap, y'know? Hnghhh I'm sorry y'all I'm trying

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora