Chapter 16

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Bulma walked through the inner yard of Capsule Corp, debating on whether or not she should stop by Bardock's house and visit Goku and Vegeta. But then she remembered that Vegeta and his family had now moved to another house and Bulma had no idea where it was. But maybe Goku did.

With that, the blue-haired heiress pulled out her cell phone and called Goku.

"Hello?" the sixteen-year-old Saiyan's voice called on the other line.

"Goku, it's Bulma", Bulma said into the phone.

"Oh, hi, Bulma", Goku said, cheerful as always.

"Listen Goku, I need to ask you something. It's really important", Bulma said.

"Ask away", Goku replied.

"Do you by any chance know where Vegeta, Tarble, and their dad moved to?" Bulma asked.

Goku was silent.

"Hmmm, let's see...", Goku thought for a minute. "OH yeah, they moved to a place not too far from Capsule Corp.".

"Really?" Bulma asked.

"Yeah, but I forgot what neighborhood it was", Goku said.

(Bulma falls over anime style)

"Goku!" Bulma yelled into the phone when she recovered her balance.

"Ouch! Bulma that hurt!" Goku yelped.

Bulma sighed in exasperation.

"Just forget it", she said and hung up.


Bulma flopped down on her bed. She really liked Vegeta. She didn't know if the others knew about it or not, but she really wanted to know if he liked her back.

Without even thinking about it, Bulma reached into her drawer, pulled out a scrapbook, and leafed through the book until she came upon a particular picture.

The picture was of a young girl with blue hair pulled into two ponytails, a boy with spiky black hair that stuck out in opposite directions, another boy with an identical hairstyle, but darker skin, an older boy with long, bushy black hair that reached down to his waist, and two young boys with spiky, black hair that stood up like two flames, with a set of spiky bangs that hung down over each boy's forehead.

Bulma remembered it had taken a few days after she had befriended Goku, Turles, Raditz, Vegeta, and Tarble in fourth grade. Nice and full of memories, but it wasn't what she was looking for.

She leafed through a few more pages until she found it. Another picture.

Only this one was different from the others.

This picture was one of Bulma and Vegeta from last year. Before Keiko came to West City and started dating Vegeta.

The picture showed Bulma and Vegeta sitting together laughing. Vegeta sitting next to Bulma, tickling her. Bulma's mom had taken the picture when Vegeta and Bulma weren't watching.


"What's this?" Bulma asked, pointing to a stack on the table.

"Oh, I just had a few pictures developed", Mrs. Brief answered.

"What is this?" Vegeta demanded, holding up a picture of himself and Bulma.

"Oh, I took that the other day", Bulma's mother chirped. "I took it so you two could see how adorable you looked together".

"Mom!" Bulma gasped.

Without warning, Vegeta and Bulma burst into laughter.

"I guess she really snuck up on us, huh, Vegeta?" Bulma asked, laughing so hard, she had to wipe her eyes.

"I guess so", Vegeta answered through his own laughter.

(Flashback ends)

As she gazed at the picture, Bulma could almost hear their laughter. This picture was her favorite one.

'Does he like back? Or does he just like me as a friend?" Bulma wondered.

She had asked herself this question many times, but she could never come up with a satisfactory answer.


I'm sorry this was short I got another chapter coming up! :)

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