Chapter 19

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"17, your sister's here to see you", a nurse said.

"Okay, send her in", 17 replied.

A second later, 18 came racing into the room, and gasped when she saw her brother. 17 lay on his back, his left arm and right leg both in casts, his right cheek bruised and swollen, several of his fingers in splints, several nasty bruises and fist-shaped welts on his arms, a thick white bandage on top of his black hair, and another bandage over his right eye.

"17!" 18 cried out, her usually calm face filled with horror.

"It's not as bad as it looks", 17 said, trying to calm his sister down.

"That crazy guy turned you into a living punching bag!" 18 replied angrily.

"Yeah, and I'll get him for it after I heal up, don't worry about that", 17 assured his sister.

At this, 18 seemed to relax.

"So, how long until you get out of here?" she asked.

"A few weeks", 17 answered. "Not sure how long exactly, they just said in a few weeks".

"Well, by that time, you won't even be able to fight Broly, 17", 18 said, sitting down and crossing her arms.

"What do you mean?" 17 asked.

"Broly's sister, Marikia, said that they're moving to a different city this weekend", 18 answered.

"Damn", 17 growled.

...In Detention...

"I'm so bored", Turles groaned.

"How do you think I feel?" Vegeta asked.

"This is pure hell", Broly sighed.

"No kidding", Raditz put in.

Suddenly, the boys heard a girl giggle. They all turned to see Marikia, balancing a pencil on the bridge of her nose.

"Marikia, what are you doing here?" Vegeta asked.

"Couple of tardies, some homework I didn't do, it starts to add up after a few weeks", she answered. "What about you, Raditz?"

"I fell asleep in English", Raditz answered. "So, I didn't do a book report, I saved a tree by not wasting a piece of paper".

"I'm going to go insane if Ms. Evans makes me come in here tomorrow", Vegeta growled.

"Well, Vegeta, you and Broly and Turles wouldn't be in detention if you hadn't talked back to Ms. Evans", Tarble said.

"Well, at least we're not goody-goody nerds that can't get detention", Vegeta shot back.

"I can get detention!" Tarble insisted.

"Prove it", Turles said.

Desperate to back up his words, Tarble shot a spitball at Mr. Nakamura, the teacher that was stuck overseeing detention.

"Vegeta!" Mr. Nakamura shouted as he yanked the spitball from his thick, black mustache.

"I didn't do it, it was that nerd Tarble!" Vegeta snapped.

"A likely story", Mr. Nakamura replied.

"You just wait until we get home and then you're really gonna get it", Vegeta growled at Tarble.

"EEP!" Tarble squeaked.

...At Bardock's House...

"Kakarot, where's your brother?" Bardock asked.

"He got stuck in detention", Goku answered.

"Of course", Bardock groaned.

"Well, you better go get him, Bardock, dinner's gonna be ready in an hour", Fasha ordered from the kitchen.

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