Chapter 2

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(Everyone sorry for what took me so long! I had to update 'A Mother's Touch')

"It's just so infuriating", Keiko said to Vegeta as she blocked his punch.

"Why do your parents want you taking ballet?" Vegeta asked, aiming another punch at Keiko, which the latter dodged. "Aren't you all ready taking piano lessons, violin lessons, Latin, tap dancing, and ballroom dancing? Why do you have to take ballet too?"

"Mother says it'll make me well-rounded", Keiko answered in a stiff, formal voice.

"Are you supposed to be a teenager or a sculpture?" Vegeta teased.

"I don't know, ask my mother", Keiko snapped.

"How the hell do you make time for all that?" Vegeta asked.

"Doris pencils in my schedule", Keiko answered.

"Who's Doris?" Vegeta questioned.

"My secretary", Keiko replied.

"You have a secretary?"

"With my busy schedule I have to have one!"

...In Free Period...

Chi-Chi, 18, and Bulma were talking about their plans for the weekend, Keiko, Vegeta, and Goku were talking about different martial arts moves, and Raditz was flirting with a girl named Vanessa.

"I'll pick you up at your house at seven", Raditz said.

"Okay", Vanessa giggled and headed to her seat.

"Well, I got a date with Vanessa tonight", the long-haired Saiyan said as he sat in his seat.

"Wait a minute, I thought you were going out with Maria", Goku said.

"We decided to part ways", Raditz said with a shrug.

"Yeah, she found out he was spending more on his hair care products than he was on their dates", Vegeta snorted.

"Shut up, Vegeta", Raditz snapped.

"You're pathetic, Raditz", Keiko said.

"You're just saying that so Vegeta here doesn't get jealous", Raditz replied, tossing his long, black mane.

"Next time you fall asleep in English, I'm shaving your head", Keiko threatened.

"EEEP!" Raditz yelped.

"You're that worried about that mop if yours?" Vegeta sneered.

"Hey, the hair makes the ladies stare, and the rest of me keeps 'em there", Raditz smirked.

Goku, Vegeta, and Keiko all rolled their eyes, sighed in exasperation, and smacked their foreheads.

Suddenly, Vegeta's cell phone rang.

"Hang on a second", Vegeta said, as he answered.

"Yeah? Hi, Mom. Yeah, Keiko, Raditz, Kakarot, and I were gonna hang out. I can't? Okay. Yes, I'll come straight home after school. What's-? Oh. Right. Okay. Fine. Bye."

The Saiyan prince hung up the phone, looking really mad.

"What's up?" Raditz asked.

"My mom wants me to come straight home after school", Vegeta answered.

"I thought we were gonna hang out at Bulma's today", Keiko said.

"Sorry, Keiko, not today", Vegeta replied. "I got some family business to take care of".

"Everything okay?" Goku asked.

"You could say that", Vegeta answered.

"Is something wrong?" Keiko asked, taking Vegeta's hand.

"I don't wanna talk about it. I gotta go", the Saiyan prince snapped, yanking his hand back. With that, he got to his feet, walked up to the teacher's desk, and said something. The teacher nodded and Vegeta walked out of the room.

"I'm surprised he didn't tell you", Raditz said to Keiko.

"Yeah", Goku added. "After all, you are his girlfriend".

"I know", Keiko said, looking surprised.

...Back at the girl's seats...

"Well, maybe we could hang out at my place", Bulma suggested.

"That sounds fun", Chi-Chi said.

"Yeah", 18 agreed.

...An hour later...

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day.

"Finally", Keiko groaned, picking up her books and walking out of the classroom.

"Hey, Keiko", Bulma called.


"18, Chi-Chi, and I were gonna head to my place, you and Vegeta still coming?"

Keiko shrugged. "Sure, I am. But Vegeta's gotta go straight home anyway, so he can't come".

"Why's he gotta go straight home?" 18 asked.

"I think it was some kind of family emergency", Keiko said.

"Is everything okay at his house?" Bulma asked, looking concerned.

"Yes, Bulma", Keiko answered, laughing a little. "It's just, his mom called earlier and said he needed to come straight home today, because of something important".

...At Capsule Corp...

"Hi, Mom", Bulma said as she, Chi-Chi, 18, and Keiko walked into her house.

"Hi, sweetie", her mother replied. "Who's this?" she asked, pointing at Chi-Chi.

"Oh, this is Chi-Chi, she's new at school", Bulma answered.

"Hi, Mrs. Brief", Chi-Chi said, waving slightly.

"Hi, Chi-Chi, it's nice to see that my daughter has such good friends", Mrs. Brief chirped.

"Hi, Mrs. Brief", Keiko said, waving too.

"Hi, Keiko, where's Vegeta?" Mrs. Brief asked.

"He had some family business to take care of", Keiko answered.

...Five minutes later...

"I like your mom", Chi-Chi told Bulma. "She's really nice".

"Yeah", Bulma said.

"What do you think Vegeta meant by 'family business', Keiko?" 18 asked her friend.

"I don't know", Keiko answered. "He wouldn't tell me".


So, how was it? Let me know, guys. And sorry if this was a short story!! >_<

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