Chapter Twenty-Three

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Bruce paces the living room floor as he thinks, Thor and Loki are stood close by, Bucky standing behind the couch where North sits worrying her hands together. She thought Steve would have reacted differently to this news. She thought he would hate her for it. He should. But no matter what she's not giving it up. Not now she has free will. Not now she can make a choice in her own life. Not now she is back in control of her body. Thor is barely holding in something from the veins popping out in his neck. Of course, North assumes that that anger is aimed at her and not at the man that defiled and impregnated his little sister. It's only because North is looking so upset that he's holding back on pummelling Bucky into the carpet with his hammer.

"Okay, first things first" Bruce starts, softer. "She needs to be seen by a doctor" North's eyes widen in fear. Because doctors bring pain. Doctors bring death. Doctors take things away from her.

"No, no doctors!" She snaps, panic in her eyes, she turns to look at Bucky. "Please" Bucky frowns a little before his eyes turn sad and mournful. There is so much fear in her voice. So much pleading. His eyes sadden when he clocks on. That fear in her eyes. That pleading. It can only be because of one thing.

"No" Bucky whispers, realising before everyone else does. "No, no....tell me they didn't, North" She looks away from him, her arm curled around her. Protecting herself. He can read it on her face. The Hydra doctors have stolen life from her. "How many times?"

"I don't remember" She whispers.

"Yes, you do" Bucky argues. Because he knows she will remember each and every single time they took that away from her. Because if he knew, he would remember them all too. Her lip quivers and she shakes her head.

"Maybe we should leave you two to talk" Loki offer. Thor looks about ready to argue but a firm look from Loki stops him. Thor lets out a breath and leaves the room with Bruce. "I'll be right outside" Loki assures North who nods, he follows the others out. North worries her hands together, scratching at her fingers.

"Steve" Bucky stops him when he goes to follow Loki.

"No, Buck, this is between you and her, you two need to talk this through....alone" Bucky nods a little, rubs the back of his neck. Steve hugs him, Bucky's eyes closing as he hugs him back, fingers clutching to the back of his shirt. "We'll talk later" Steve assures him, Bucky nods and lets Steve leaves. The door closes behind Steve and bucky drops onto the couch. North shifting where she sits at the other end.

"Come here" Bucky whispers to North who does just that, sliding along the seat to rest at his side. He lets out a breath and leans on his knees, chin in his hands.

"Are you mad?" She asks him.

"No" He stops her. "No" He whispers softer. "I'm not mad at you" He corrects a little, because he is furious, just not at her. He's furious at Hydra for taking what could have been her children away from her. For everything that they did to her. To him. To every other unwilling asset they had. He leans back and turns to her slightly, his eyes on her face as she brushes away tears. "How many?"

"Five" She answers and rubs her hands on her jeans. "They took five"

"Did any of them....?" He starts, she shakes her head.

"No" She whispers. "As soon as they found out.... they'd drag me off to and when I'd wake was over" Bucky closes his eyes. "And I was alone again" She adds sadly. "They made sure that you and they were all I had...." She lets out a breath. "I will not give this one up" She whispers, he looks at her. "They took so much from me..." He nods. "I can do this myself" She assures him. "I don't want to get in the way of you and Steve.....this doesn't have to change anything for you. I can do it myself" She is firm in that. She can do this. And she will do it alone if she has to. Bucky reaches over and takes her hand. She looks at him.

"I'm not going anywhere" He promises her with a small smile. He can't walk away. That's his kid inside of her. What sort of man would he be if he left? What sort of man would it make him if the Winter Solider wants to be part of this and he doesn't?


Bucky stands across from Steve who is waiting to hear what is going on in Bucky's head. He's upset but not mortified so North hasn't decided to keep the child away from him. Steve knows how much Bucky has always wanted to be a father, and yeah, it is something that Steve can't give him. It is something they can't do themselves.

"Hydra has already taken...." Bucky shakes his head, not wanting to share that part of North's history without her permission. "She's not going to give this one up"

"They really sought to take everything from her" Steve offers, Bucky nods. "What are you going to do?" Bucky shrugs and slides down the wall to sit on the floor. "Maybe..." Steve closes his eyes and then nods. Steeling himself for this. "Maybe we can do this together" Bucky frowns and looks at him.


"We could..." Steve stops himself and sighs. "Do it together, raise it together...." Bucky frowns deeper, confused as to why Steve is taking this so well. And willing to raise his child. A child that he's made with another person.

"And by together, you mean?" Bucky asks, carefully. Hoping he's not suggesting that the two of them take the child from North to raise themselves, because she is not going to give that child up without a fight.

"You, me" Steve answers. "And North..." Which just confuses Bucky even more. He gives Steve another look, seeking answers. "Look.." Steve sighs a little. "....I like her..." Steve offers, Bucky cocks his head. "I love her too" He admits, Bucky pulls a face at him. But Steve has fallen in love with her. These last few months. Seeing the softer side of her. Seeing the side of her that she's developing now. The times they've spoken. When he's seen the real her beneath what Hydra did to her. He...he is in love with her. Bucky knows just what Steve is saying here. What he is suggesting.

"And you said that me wanting the three of us together was stupid" Bucky scolds him. "When you knew you felt that way about her...and you know that I do too..."

"It's not that simple, Bucky....raising a baby and being together, it's two different things...." Bucky shakes his head. "I wish it was as simple as the three of us together, with a baby"

"Yes! It is!" Bucky counters. "Our whole lives have been complicated. One thing after another screwing with us....this is simple. You. Me. Her. Our baby. That is simple." Bucky looks at Steve. "We're woven together, the three of us are more than ever..." Steve lets out a breath, Bucky moves closer to him. "I love her...and you love her..."

"That doesn't mean she loves us both back" Steve argues.

"But you did just consider it" Bucky points out.

"Yeah, I did" Steve admits. "And all I want...all I ever want is...."

"To make everyone happy" Bucky points out, Steve looks at him. Bucky shakes his head, because of course, Steve is trying to make everyone happy, only this time, he might get his own happy ending. Steve takes Bucky's hand. Bucky nods. "We can make this work, I know we can....but I can't lose you, and I can't lose her, and I really can't let her walk away with my child....and you can't ask me to" Steve looks at him.

"You really think that I would ask you to?" Steve asks him, Bucky shrugs and looks away from him. "Of course I wouldn't" Steve reassures him. "I know how much this means to you and whatever you two decide...I'm with you" Bucky smiles at him and nods. Steve touches his cheek and smiles back at him.

The North Star (B. Barnes & S. Rogers)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα