Chapter Eight

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North sits up in the medical cot, awake now. She turns to Loki who's jaw is tight as he watches her. Thor had told them both about the whole lockdown thing Steve wants. To set her up in the 'safe' apartment. It's got heightened security, the walls and doors are made of vibranium. There's a kitchen, living space, bathroom, and bedroom and that's it. The bare minimum. Visitors are kept to necessary personnel only, in this case...Steve and Fury. Loki will make sure he's on that list. There is no way they are keeping her from him. And he knows Thor is going to have words too. They both know that they should tell both Odin and Frigga about Eirlys, and they will, they just need their own time with her first. Chances are Heimdall has told the king and queen already anyway. How long till Frigga comes looking for her daughter? Loki's actually surprised she hasn't already.

"I hate this idea" he mumbles, sulking as he rests his elbows on his knees.

[It's okay] she tells him through their link, he lifts his eyes to her. [This is what I deserve] he shakes his head.

"I don't like this" Loki admits. "It's as if you are being punished for being stolen and twisted by insane lunatics" she scoffs and looks to him.

"Those insane lunatics kept me alive all this time, Loki" she reminds him.

"Barely" he counters and looks to the tray of food on the bed. "You should eat some more" he touches her arm.

"I can't" she argues. "I already feel sick" he sighs a little when her fingers graze over his face, he closes his eyes. "Can you tell me about home?" she whispers. "Tell me everything.....I want to hear everything" he nods and takes her hand pulling it to his lips before he tells her everything that happened since the moment she left.


North wakes twisting her head around slightly to find Steve sat at her side, he is sleeping, head rested in his hand. He seems to have been there a while by how comfortable he looks. And he does look comfortable despite the Hydra asset laying across from him. She can see the appeal. The blonde hair. Beautiful blue eyes. Sharp lines of his face. Her fingers twitch as she reaches out to him. He groans a little and she pulls her hand back, just in time for him to wake.

"Oh," he mumbles realizing. "Sorry" he looks around, the room is still as empty as when he arrived. But she's awake now and watching him. "I-I urm...wanted to talk to you about the protocol but you were asleep...I was going to wait..." Steve admits clearing his throat. "I don't know if Loki told you" she nods. "Right..."

"You should be sleeping" she scolds slightly, he looks surprised at the concern in her tone. "You look exhausted" she adds, he searches her eyes.

"I will...after we've spoken" he assures her.

"I know why" she counters, he raises an eyebrow. "Those policies" She elaborates. "I deserve it" his face falls into a frown.

"No" he argues. "You don't" she looks up at him through her lashes. "We've clashed in the past, we've really clashed" she nods in agreement. "Yes, but even then...." he sighs. "Look you and Bucky, your stories are....difficult. Yes, you have done bad things, inexplicable things, but you had no choice, North, no free will, no....control over your own actions...this isolation is not forever, it's until we can make sure that you....and that the rest of us are safe. And to make sure you are free of Hydra's hold"

"And any information I have to give would be mildly beneficial for you guys too, right?" she asks him. He smiles a little and nods. " and your team gave me my twin brother back after more than a 1,000 big brother, my identity...I am in your debt, Captain, whatever you need of me....." he looks to her hand and debts taking it. To comfort her. To thank her. But he can't bring himself to do it. She cocks her head. "He told you, didn't he?" she asks. "I thought he might"

"He seems worried about consent" he admits. "About what the two of you had" 

"Neither of us gave it" she counters. "We did what we were told to do. I don't think it....." she sighs. "Matters?" she asks. "I don't think that's the right phrase" he shakes his head. "The Winter Soldier and I were a complicated relationship if you can call it that....every few years, decades, he'd be brought to my room....."

"Did he force sex?" Steve asks.

"No" she answers. "I don't know how it would start but it was never forced" she looks to him. "You know the power I have, even controlled, you think he could force me?" he shakes his head. "It was contact" she admits. "Two touch starved individuals coming together"

"So it was just that?" he asks her. "Nothing more?"

"It was Hydra, Captain" she answers. "We weren't allowed anything more" he stares at her, searching for something in her eyes. He nods and looks down. "Now go and sleep," she tells him. "Take him with you" she nods across the room where Loki is sleeping on a small couch, Steve lets out a breath and nods.

"I'll make sure he makes it to bed" Steve promises her as he stands. "Thank you, for being understanding" she shrugs.

"Making your life difficult makes mine difficult" she comments. "And I just want some peace" they share a look and he nods and moves towards Loki. She sighs and closes her eyes letting her head rest back. 

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