Chapter Eleven

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"Are you going to physically stop me?" Frigga asks Steve who actually stutters because, no, he did not even think that he'd have to try and stop this woman from seeing her daughter. Bucky, Frigga, Steve, and Thor are stood facing one another in the hall, Steve had managed to intercept Frigga before she reached North, and right now he is regretting it, because he knows how much Frigga must be suffering right now, how much the need to see her daughter is flaring inside of her, because Steve would be the same if it was his child that he hadn't seen in so long. 

"Steve" Bucky whispers at his side, Steve looks to his friend who gives him a look back. "Come on, man, she's her mom, gotta give her something...."

"It's not about keeping and taking things from her, it's about the safety of everyone, including North herself"

"North?" Frigga asks looking to Thor.

"That's her name now" He explains. Frigga pulls a face.

"That's a terrible name" Frigga states.

"It's not like she had a say in it, Mother" Thor argues slightly. Frigga softens slightly.

"Right, of course she didn't" she takes a breath realising and then turns to Steve. "I apologise, I am being very rude" Frigga tells Steve.

"You are allowed to be" he assures her then shares a look with Bucky, Steve takes a breath and nods. "I'll tell her you're here and we'll leave it up to North to decide, how is that?"

"Reasonable" Frigga answers, Steve nods.

"I'll show you to the living room" Bucky offers as Steve walks out and heads towards North's apartment.


Loki's hand is holding North's tightly as he leads her into the living room, Frigga and Thor stand nervously waiting for them. North shrinks a little, trying to hide behind Loki. He gives her a soft look.

"We talked about this," he tells her. "You want to get better; you have to start building up those bridges....."

"I didn't think it would be now" she argues. "And not...." Loki turns to her, blocking his mother and brother from her.

"Snow" he whispers.

"What I did...." she starts as she pulls her sleeves down her wrists. "I'm not....I'm not the daughter she lost" Loki cups her cheeks to look in her eyes.

"You're her child, nothing else matters, trust me.....I know" he offers softly, stroking his thumbs over her cheekbones, she's looking better, not perfect, but better, she's clean and warm and looked after now.

"How do I look?" she whispers, Loki smiles and nods.

"Better" he assures her leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"What if she doesn't like this version of me?" She asks. "What if she doesn't see her daughter when she looks at me? What if it's been too long?"

"Stop" Loki scolds. "You'll be fine" he assures her. "Come on" he threads his fingers with hers at her side. "You can do this" she nods a little and takes a deep breath. Loki pulls her into the room. Frigga steps closer to them, worrying her hands together.

"Eirlys" Frigga states staring at North. There is no doubt in Frigga's mind that this broken and damaged young woman is her daughter. She sees the little girl she lost oh so long ago now. Frigga walks towards her, giving her a small smile. Hoping that her daughter recognizes her, remembers her.

"Mother" Loki whispers.

"It's alright" Frigga cups his cheek and smiles softly. Loki releases North's hand and then steps away, North shoots him a nervous look but he smiles and nods reassuringly as Frigga steps closer to her. "Eirlys" she whispers reaching for North. "Do you...Do you know who I am?" she asks her daughter. North clears her throat and nods.

"My mother" she whispers sadly, Frigga smiles and pulls North closer, clutching her daughter to her.

"I can't believe you're here" Frigga whispers. "I can't believe you're alive" she pulls back holding onto North's arms. "I can't wait to take you home"

"Go home?" North asks her tilting her head.

"Of course" Frigga answers. "Asgard is your home...and you should be recovering there surrounded by your family" North looks to Loki, he moves closer seeing the plead in his sister's eyes.

"Mother" Loki starts. "North.." Frigga looks horrified that Loki is using that name for her. "Eirlys" Loki corrects. "She's settled here....she wants to stay here" Frigga turns to her daughter.

"You want to stay here?" Frigga asks. "Among strangers?"

"It's not that..." North struggles, she bites the inside of her cheek, and she doesn't want to upset Frigga. "They have people here that can help me, they're looking after me"

"So would we...and we have healers" Frigga whispers. "The best healers in all the Nine Realms....."

"Maybe we can split time" Loki offers. "She can undergo the treatment that is in place here, and she can see the healers back home" Frigga looks to him and then back to North.

"I suppose that can work" Frigga admits. "If that is what you want" she adds. North looks to Loki who gives her a look, a conversation passing between their minds. North turns back to Frigga and smiles softly.

"That could work" North whispers. Frigga nods.

"Your father is going to be so happy to see you" Frigga points out.

"My father is dead" North argues, Frigga frowns. Loki steps between them.

"She means Odin," Loki tells North, she frowns confused back at him.

"But...I thought that Laufey..." Frigga shoots Loki a look. "Was our father" North finishes.

"I didn't tell her" Loki is quick to assure her. "She saw it..."

"Your connection is still strong?" Frigga asks, Loki nods.

"It's how we found her" He answers. "She was communicating with me...I just didn't know it until we found her..." Frigga takes a breath and looks over North, her worry shining through. North starts to get uncomfortable with the attention.

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