Chapter Sixteen

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Three Months Later:

Thor wraps an arm around both Darcy and Jane and smiles at the other Avengers that are gathered together on the bifrost platform. This gathering was Loki's idea, a way to bond relations between Midgard and Asgard, though Thor suspects it is more to do with North's behaviour and state of mind. She's been getting worse, not better here.

"Welcome to Asgard, friends" Thor greets warmly. "I am so glad you decided to come"

"This place is beautiful" Wanda states with a smile as Loki approaches her with a warm smile. He's missed her. Deciding to come back to Asgard with North was a huge choice for him, but Wanda assured him that she understood why he had to go, that he needed to be here with his sister. Wanda smiles brightly up at Loki as he grabs her face in his hands before kissing her.

"I am so sorry it has been so long" he whispers sadly, she grabs his arms and shakes her head.

"It's okay" she assures him. "She needed you here with her" Loki nods a little and pulls her into a hug.

"So this party" Tony starts with a smirk. "Is it going to be like the stories?" Rhodey nudges him and shoots him a look as Pepper smirks.

"Possibly" Thor answers. "Depends on the mood" He and Loki share a look. Both knowing that North has been bringing down the mood of their parties. Bruce rubs his hands together nervously, Natasha and Clint standing protectively at his sides, Clint takes Bruce's hands and gives him an encouraging smile. He and Natasha knows he can do this, Bruce just gets nervous in new places. Pietro stands with Kurt, Nightcrawler's tail wrapped around Pietro's waist. They are adorable together. Peter is perched on Wade's shoulders, the most immature pairing of the group. And finally, Bucky and Steve, Bucky looks like hell, things haven't exactly been easy for him since North left, he's struggling with all the feelings she and Winter brought up. His love and affection for North makes him miss her, but his love and affection for Steve makes him feel bad for it. Guilt is eating him up.

"How is North?" Steve asks, Bucky looks at him surprised. Thor looks at him and shrugs a little as Loki sighs.

"Let's just get you all settled" Loki offers, Steve and Bucky share a look, Loki avoided the question. Something is wrong.


Asgardian clothing is uncomfortable on Bucky's metal arm. They are too fitted, despite how soft and well made it is, it's just irritating his arm. Whilst he hates parties, the idea that they are here for North appealed to him, he wanted to check on her, he wanted to see her. But she's been elusive since they arrived, avoiding them. Thor has apologised for her, but it just fuels their worry for her. Bucky takes a breath and looks around the great hall they're in, the other Avengers are mingling with the Asgardians, most of whom are amused by certain members. Tony and Wade being the most amusing. Bucky smiles a little watching Wade dance through a group of Asgardians, his hands held above his head as he waves them, head bopping along.

"Oh yeah" Wade teases as Peter laughs from his seat. They can't take him anywhere. Steve smirks at Bucky's side and then shakes his head.

"We might need to give them a formal apology before we leave" Steve tells Bucky who scoffs and looks at him.

"I think they like Wade a lot more than they will let on" Bucky offers, he and Steve share a look.

"It's never boring" Steve agrees and squeezes Bucky's arm. Loki sits at the table with Steve and Bucky and lets out a breath and leans back into his seat. Steve looks at him. "You didn't answer me earlier" Steve tells Loki who nods.

"Yeah, it..." He stops. "She's not getting better" Loki admits leaning on the table. "She hasn't really said anything" Loki admits. "She's been withdrawing, I told her, and mother, that coming back here was a mistake for her." Bucky's eyes follow North as she tries to stay out of everyone's way. She looks so...broken, so lost, so....alone. And it's all his fault. "As much as they care, and as much as they are trying their best, the healers here do not understand what she has been through, they cannot understand, so they can't help her"

The North Star (B. Barnes & S. Rogers)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara