Chapter Fourteen

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Loki rolls his eyes following North back through the facility, Friday had alerted them that Steve wants them to come back, that it is an emergency. North knew that it concerns Bucky, in her soul, she knows. And she couldn't go without making sure he's okay. Steve leans against the wall outside of the locked down apartment. He looks up hearing them both approaching.

"What's going on?" North asks Steve, his eyes full of worry and fear.

"After you left" Steve starts. "Bucky kind of went....full on Winter Soldier" North cocks her head. "He...reverted" She looks to Loki to explain.

"His brainwashing" Loki tells her. "When they cured him, they did so by locking away the Winter Soldier into the back of his mind....every now and then, when Bucky gets emotional or stressed he... comes out"

"So...Winter is in there?" she asks motioning to the locked room.

"I was hoping you might be able to calm him down" Steve admits. "Stop him from....damaging the room further, stop him from hurting someone" North looks down a little, Steve takes her arm and pulls her aside. "I know" he tells her quietly. She lifts her eyes to his. "I know" he repeats softly, and she sees the understanding in his eyes. "It's okay" he offers. "Just whatever you need to do to keep him calm"

"I can't" she argues. "I can't go in there....It's not fair of you to ask me to do this" she scolds, Steve nods and looks down.

"Yeah, I know, but he'll respond better to you, and I am sorry I have asked this....North" he looks back at her. "I...He still really cares about you, and not just the Winter Soldier....but Bucky, I know this....and I know why. took care of him at his weakest, made him feel loved and wanted at at a time...when all anyone else was giving him was pain" Steve stops and takes a breath. North is crying now. "Please, I need him back" North looks away from Steve. "Please" he pleads with her. North walks away, hurries away from him and this all everything going on. She should never have come back just because they asked her to. She should have just left. Gone to Asgard. Fled all of this drama and hurt.

"What did you say?" Loki hisses at Steve who brushes his hand over his cheek and clears his throat.

"I.." Steve struggles, Loki rolls his eyes and follows North. His sister needs comforting.


North does help. Of course she does. She still has feelings for him. She wasn't going to let him suffer. She takes a breath and opens the door before stepping inside and closing it behind him. He hurries around the corner ahead of her. His frame relaxing when he sees her. He takes steps towards her as she moves through the room. Her entire body tingling with his presence. Because there is a difference to him and Bucky. Winter has a confidence Bucky lacks. Winter uses his form to be intimidating. But never with her. His form is broken and desperate. It's been too long since he's seen her. She keeps her eyes down as he reaches her. He clutches her face and kisses her. North's hands hang loose at her side, knowing that this is only because he's relapsed and not because he's back. He kisses her harder sensing her reluctance.

"Please" he whispers against her lips. He needs her. He nudges her nose. "Kiss me" he orders her and presses his lips to hers again. She still doesn't kiss him. He pushes her back against the wall, pressing himself against her. Wanting her to kiss him back. He needs this. "North" he scolds. "North?" he asks this time searching her eyes. She stares at him. Resolute in her stance. He growls and turns away from her, opting to pace the room, his fingers in his hair.

"You need to let him come back" She admits, he glares at her. "They need Bucky" He moves, at speed to her, wrapping his fingers around her throat and shoves her back.


Loki and Steve watch the surveillance feed, Thor pacing behind them. Loki glares watching Bucky with his hands on his sister.

"I have to stop this" Loki states. Steve grabs his arm.

"Don't" Steve warns Loki. "Just...let them work it out"

"If he hurts her" Loki counters turning back to the screens they watch.

"He loves her" Steve argues. "He won't hurt her" Loki sighs and glances at him. Steve nods a little, he knows they share feelings, and he knows Bucky shares those with the Winter Soldier.

"Steve" Thor whispers softly. Steve clears his throat and nods a little.

"It's okay" Steve assures them. "I'm not mad or upset or angry....I understand. He needs her...."

"Being here is hurting her" Loki scolds.

"Her going hurts him" Steve counters. "I don't know how to fix this" Steve admits. "I don't know how to keep him happy and help her at the same time...." Steve rubs at his eyes to stop the tears. The morality in him pushes him to help people, to help North, but his love for Bucky pushes him to make him happy. But he can't do both and it's tearing at him. Loki and Thor share a look, Thor shrugs a little seeing the look in Loki's eyes. "Excuse me" Steve whispers and leaves the room.

"Perhaps there is something we can do" Thor offers, Loki shakes his head.

"She can't watch them together" Loki argues. "It 's breaking what is left of her heart and I can't watch that, every day she is here, I lose more of my sister" Thor understands, he sees it in North's eyes, a little bit of her dies every day she has to watch the man she loves with someone else.

"Maybe they can come to Asgard" Thor states, Loki starts laughing but there is nothing humorous about it.

"Oh yes, yes, brilliant idea, brother" Loki mocks. "Take the problem with us"

"It was just an idea" Thor grumbles under his breath.


Bucky's lips are desperate against North's but she is stubborn but caving. She's wanted this moment since she saw Bucky in that prison. This is her Winter. Her lover. The man she loves. Her lips move back against his. He threads his fingers through her hair and relaxes. Her hand comes up to touch his face. 

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