Chapter Four

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It's empty. Floor after floor. Empty. Loki feels that hope dwindling away from him. Thor close behind him watching his brother worried can see what every empty floor does to him. Loki's answers are slipping through his fingers. This can't be happening to him.


Bucky lifts his rifle turning a corner, Steve watching his back and Sam watching his. The three of them moving with skilled practice and ability. Seeing it is clear Steve takes the lead shield held forward just in case.

"Barnes, you need to get down here" Natasha states over comms, her voice cold and collected but still a sliver of emotion slips through and Bucky knows it's serious.

"Why?" Bucky asks shooting Steve a confused look.

"Just get down here" Natasha snaps before shutting the comm link down so he can't argue any more. Steve nods for Bucky to check on the redhead.


Bucky rounds the corner turning to find Natasha stood by a hatch in the floor beneath her feet, he raises an eyebrow and walks towards the redhead.

"What is it?" Bucky asks Natasha who motions to a hatch in the floor.

"Take a look" Natasha answers, Bucky frowns but does move to the hatch, pulling it open he peers down into the darkness, an icy chill in the air. Shackles rattle as something moves. And then he is peering into the greenest of green eyes. Eyes he knows all too well. His breath catches slightly.

"Is that...." Bucky starts looking back to Natasha. "North?" he whispers, Natasha nods. Bucky looks back down at his former lover but he can't see her through the darkness now. "I thought she was dead" Bucky tells himself momentarily forgetting that Natasha is with him. "They told me she was dead" he corrects himself.

"They lied" Natasha counters, Bucky looks to her, his eyes wide. He turns away again, heart hammering in his chest. "We found a prisoner alive" Natasha states over comms for the others. "Floor below mine; there is a room" Natasha conveys. "Thinking there might be a door down there...."

"It's our floor" Thor announces.

"South West corner" Natasha adds. "Be careful. It's dangerous"


"This must be it" Loki comments looking at the vibranium door in front of him. Thor looks over the controls in front of him before guessing and pressing a button, the glass in front of him changes, revealing the contents of the room, Loki moves to his brother's side and they both peer inside. North lays on the floor seemingly unconscious.

"It's just a girl" Thor points out.

"Chained down" Loki adds. "Hydra clearly thought her a danger...." Loki looks down at the controls before opening the door easily, Thor huffs annoyed that he didn't figure it out. Loki pulls the door all the way open and steps into the room, slowly approaching North's form on the floor. Cautious and careful. Thor shifts around, placing himself back between her and the door, just in case. Loki crouches and reaches for her, intending on brushing her hair out of her face so he can get a look at her. She snaps her hand out grabbing Loki's arm and tugging, turning them both till she is pressing down on him, her knees sharp in his chest. Her hair framing her face, dirty and matted together with dirt and blood. Her eyes bore into him as she leans closer to him, searching for something.

[You got my message then?] she asks him through the telepathic link. [About time you arrived, brother] Loki's breath catches slightly, his eyes widening.

"Eirlys?" he asks her looking over what he can see of her, but she covered, chained and muzzled, those eyes though, there is something familiar about them. Darker, crueller, colder but familiar. Thor looks to her and then back to Loki.

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