Chapter Twenty-Four

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A small snow flurry lingers over North as she sits on the floor cross-legged, a baby book open in her lap. It was a gift from Steve and Bucky. One of a number of them to assure her that this is her baby and if she wants to keep it, then she keeps it. That no one is going to take it away from her. And if she wants them to, Steve and Bucky will help her. Through all of it. It was a huge weight lifted from her shoulders, if she's honest. That fear that it would happen again. That the life that she created, would be taken from her. As, technically, the Winter Soldier is the father, they thought that North and he needed to talk this through together. They are both aware that Steve is watching though, to keep an eye on her, on them. Winter braids her hair, sat behind her, his knees against her side. They are supposed to be talking but neither know what to say to one another about this. It's not something he is trained for. He is the side of Bucky that has been designed and programmed to kill and cause destruction. Not change diapers or do the school run. He kisses the back of North's head and closes his eyes. This isn't his life. This isn't his future. He knows what he has to do.


Bucky runs his fingers through his hair before he leans on the sink letting out a breath. When he looks up, his reflection is different. His hair is longer. His skin is gaunt and pale. This is Winter staring back at him. It's been a while since this has happened, and usually, he goes away with a shake of Bucky's head. But it feels different now. This time is different.

"Thank you," The reflection tells him. Winter tells him. "For....letting me see her" Bucky nods a little.

"Yeah, well...I know how much she's....missed you" Bucky offers, Winter hums and nods.

"Yeah" He agrees. "But she doesn't need me anymore" Winter whispers. "She needs you....and Steve" Bucky frowns at his reflection. "It's time, Bucky"

"Time for what?" Bucky asks him confused.

"To say goodbye" Winter argues. "It is time...that I go..." Bucky's conflicted. All he wanted was to be free of his past. To be free of the Winter Soldier. But it is different now. With North. She loves Winter and Winter loves her. Bucky feels as though this isn't going to fix anything. That it's not going to make things better. "I will tether her to the past....and she is finally free..." Winter nods and takes a deep breath. He is doing this to protect North and the baby. Bucky will always be a risk to them if Winter is right there in the back of his mind. He can't be here anymore. He has to free Bucky. This is a good thing he can do. He can save the woman he loves from himself. Bucky closes his eyes, and when he opens them again he finds his reflection staring back at him. Just him. He reaches out and touches the glass of the mirror.


Steve and Loki keep North company once Winter leaves, she has a bad feeling and they of course believe it is to do with the baby. She is going to be very worried and scared and concerned about this one. She will want to make sure everything works out perfectly.

"North?" Steve asks, she reaches up and brushes the tear from her cheek. "What's wrong?" She looks down at the book in her lap and then closes her eyes. She knows. She can feel it. Something in the air has changed. Steve moves closer to her. "Hey" He whispers as he crouches in front of her.

"I don't know" She admits, she knows something happened, but she doesn't know what.


Bucky looks lighter when he walks into the living room. Something different about him. He watches as North keeps her head down, eyes on her book, but even from where he stands, he can see she's been crying. Loki and Steve both join Bucky in the kitchen as he pours himself a glass of water. He needs a minute before he talks to her about what happened. He looks like something has happened. Something he's not sure about.

"Buck?" Steve asks. "You okay?"

"He's gone," Bucky tells Steve. "Winter....he's gone from my mind"

"What?" Steve counters. Bucky's eyes flicker across at North unsure if she can hear them or not. He's hoping not. He wants to tell her the right way. Softly. With care and thought.

"He...didn't want her to be stuck in her past...So he....left" Bucky whispers sadly.

"He just left?" Steve asks and looks at Loki for an answer here. Unaware that something like that could happen. Bucky shrugs. "How do you feel?" Steve asks Bucky this time.

"I don't know" Bucky admits. "I feel....empty, like a part of me is missing....but I know that....without him...things will be better. I'll be a better dad.." He looks at North sadly. "I have to tell her...." Steve nods in agreement.

"We'll be here" He assures him. "She knows that"

"I just...I thought he'd want to be around" Bucky offers. "For his baby" Loki gives Bucky a look and then snorts.

"Because you are ready" Loki argues. "He's not really a singular entity, Barnes, he's just you, a part of you...It means that you are ready to embrace the future, to embrace what grows inside of my were ready to let him go, to let it all go...." Bucky glances at him, his eyes mist up and he takes in the sentiment here. "You let go of him and Hydra...and everything they did to will not forget it" Loki offers "But you are not going to let it chain you...It are finally free"

"I'm free" Bucky whispers, Loki nods.

"Yes, you are" Loki assures him and smiles. "Now that that has been dealt with, we must discuss what you have done to my sister"

"I'm not going to abandon her" Bucky is quick to point out. "Steve and I..." Steve nods in agreement. "We're going to help her with everything" Loki raises an eyebrow and cocks his head, studying Bucky before he nods.

"Very well...I will send word to my mother then, a new prince or princess will be born....this is grand news" Loki assures him. Bucky nods a little, still trying to catch up that Loki isn't going to kill him for knocking up his twin sister.

The North Star (B. Barnes & S. Rogers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora