Chapter Twenty-One

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Loki sits at North's side and pulls her closer, his lips finding her head as he comforts his crying sister. She's hurting and he doesn't know how to help her. This isn't a hurt he can fix. She's still upset by Steve's attention and affection. His kiss. She can't understand why he did it or why he would tell Bucky about it. She already has enough enemies, she doesn't want to make any more, she was supposed to be saved from that when she left Hydra. And not Bucky, she still cares for him, for Winter, they had something that meant a lot to them at that time in their life. They had nothing but each other. She loved him. She still does. And she likes Steve, this time around anyway. He's a lot nicer to her. He's thoughtful and caring. And shown her more kindness than she really deserves. She reaches up and runs her fingers through her hair.

"It hurts" She admits and rubs her head, rocking slightly. "It just hurts...being here" she hums a little. "Maybe it was a bad idea coming back here" Loki takes her hands from her head and she lifts her eyes to meet his.

"I won't be the first to admit that these people are good" Loki admits. "But they are the best for dealing with your brainwashing, they can fix it, find a way to undo it....give you a chance at starting fresh"

"What if it can't be undone?" she counters. "Bucky still has issues...what if this never goes away"

"But he is better" He stops her. "Yes, he still has set backs, but he is healing, and he is settled here...with friends, a partner...." North nods a little. "Just stick with them, they know what they are doing..." North looks at him, Loki smiles softly at her. He brushes her hair back from her face.


Bucky sits reading a book whilst Steve paces the floor in front of him. Steve is still upset and freaking out about his kiss with North, and Bucky's lack of reaction to the whole thing. Steve turns to Bucky who is engrossed in his book.

"Why aren't you more upset about this?" Steve asks, Bucky looks at him and sighs.

"Steve, you're beating yourself up over nothing" Bucky offers. "It happened, you can't undo it.....and well....I did sleep with her"

"But not as you..." Steve argues. "It's...." Steve groans and buries his head in his hands. "I just can't get my head around why you are okay with this"

"Look, it's okay because...I kind of like the idea" Steve lifts his head to look at Bucky. "That if you and her can get that, then...." Bucky shrugs. "Maybe...I don't have to lose her" Steve frowns at him.

"You mean like the three of us....together?" Steve asks and stands from his seat. Bucky nods and then shrugs.

"I don't know....maybe...." Bucky admits.

"Something like that would never work" Steve scolds. "Someone will always feel left out...feelings get hurt..."

"When have you ever come across something like that before?" Bucky asks with a frown. "And how do you know it won't work? Our lives are hardly normal....and we all have history. Did you like it?" Bucky asks, Steve shoots him a dirty look. "Well?"

"It was kind of cold" Bucky nods in agreement, he always put it down to her powers because even her body to the touch is cold. Bucky gives Steve a look though, because he didn't really answer his question. "Yes, fine, I liked it" Steve admits. "I like her...this version of her anyway...But it doesn't matter. I love you. I am with you. That's it. Now stop being stupid" Steve walks away. Bucky snorts a little and goes back to his book. He knows Steve likes her. He would never have put up with Bucky and North if he didn't. And at least Steve is now thinking about it. Bucky's thought about it. About what it could be like if the three of them tried to be together. He's thought about what it would be like if he was with North. Or if he just stayed with Steve. He's thought about it all. And the only way for all of them to be happy, is all of them together. Bucky lets out a sigh and nods. He is sure of that.


Loki looks up from the couch as North walks back into the living room, he frowns seeing that she's dressed to go outside, in the middle of the night. He closes his book and turns to face her. 

"Where are you going?" Loki asks her, North shrugs a little. 

"I'm just going for a walk" North admits as she pulls on a hoodie. She needs some space to think about everything that's happening. To think about whether or not her being here is actually a good idea, she knows that they can help her, but it hurts being around Bucky. She could ask him and Steve to leave her alone, but she's grown rather fond of their friendship.

"Are you okay?" He counters, she shrugs a little and looks at him.

"I don't know" She admits. "I just need to clear my head" He nods a little. He knows she's been through a lot. Even just this day. She pulls her hood up over her head and then heads out through the sliding doors and onto the grounds of the compound. Loki steps closer to the door and watches her walk away. Steve walks into the apartment and then notices that it is only Loki that is there, not at all who he wanted to see.

"Oh, you're here" Steve comments, Loki gives him a look.

"It is my sister's apartment....shouldn't be all that surprising" Loki comments. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to North about something" Steve admits as he sets his hands in his pockets, trying to keep his nervous fidget to himself. He is still fretting over everything. Feelings. So many feelings. 

"Can I help instead?" Loki offers, Steve shakes his head.

"No" Steve answers. "No, it's not important..."

"What is going on with you three?" Loki asks him.

"I don't know" Steve tells him and then turns, leaving the room, Loki frowns a little and sighs.

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