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Five Years Later:

Bucky looks out over New York from the top floor apartment he calls home. Not long after his daughter, their daughter was born, Steve had the apartment commissioned for them. A family home. Secure and safe. It had taken another year for it to be complete and six more months for North to get the all-clear regarding her brainwashing and her safety. Their daughter...Ellisif Freya Rogers-Barnes is everything he could ever have wanted in a child. Bright. Bubbly. Smart. Kind. A little crazy. And very strong. Like her mother. Though where Ellisif got her pure white hair from none of them know. Bucky has dark hair. North has dark hair. It made sense that Ellisif would have the same, but nope, not even close. That doesn't change the fact that Ellisif is a beautiful little girl and he has no doubt that she's going to grow into an incredibly beautiful woman. It's not been easy. There have been a few bumps and challenges, mostly with their relationship and figuring out how the three of them slot together, it took them time, but eventually managed to find a rhythm that works for them, and five years on, they are still going strong. It works for them.

Steve and Bucky have had to learn a lot about what it means to be an Asgardian, as Ellisif is part Asgardian, North is an Asgardian, they are her customs, her people too, but Frigga has been teaching them. And is rather impressed by their dedication and willingness to learn for North, for Ellisif too. Not many would have. They are practically honorary Asgardians in her eyes. And she knows her daughter is in good hands with them. North is almost a completely different woman with them. Motherhood softened her. Getting fully free of Hydra....released her mind of its hold, of the fear she had of them. She's relaxed into life. Into the love around her. She's no longer a cold and hurt person. But a bright winter light in their daughter's life. A warm lover and beloved companion. Bucky raises an eyebrow as Steve walks into the room behind him. They are both dressed up for dinner. Which is what he is waiting on, the rest of his family getting ready for the night. There is a thud as Steve suddenly falls over, clutching his chest. Bucky turns a little and raises an eyebrow, but he's not worried. He knows what's happening. Ellisif is stood behind where Steve was stood.

"Ah, no, Little Flurry" Steve teases and pretends to have been slain by his daughter who giggles, her little wooden sword held tightly in her hand, pointed down at Steve. Steve's never once held it over them that Ellisif isn't biologically his. Never. She is his daughter as much as she is Bucky and North's. Ellisif just has an extra daddy to love her. Even the Asgardians had no trouble with the concept of the three of them together, it was just accepted and respected. "I'm down" Steve adds and clutches at his chest. Ellisif giggles again.

"Daddy" She whines a little, knows he's playing it up and she's not buying it. Bucky smirks watching the two of them together. Ellisif poking at Steve with her little sword. North walks into the room, adjusting her dress slightly with a wrinkle of her nose. She lifts her eyes and notices Steve on the floor. She gives him a look.

"We are going to be late" North scolds with a smile as she pulls on her coat. "Loki is waiting downstairs with my mother" She picks up Ellisif's shoes as her daughter chuckles, clutching to Steve's leg as he stands.

"No shoes" Ellisif argues. North sighs a little. She knows that the girl doesn't like them, and on Asgard, she doesn't wear them, but this is Earth and it is weird. Plus humans drop their litter everywhere, it's too dangerous for Ellisif to go around without something on her feet. Bucky touches the small of her back and North relaxes against his touch.

"They'll understand" Bucky assures her and takes Ellisif's shoes from her before turning to their daughter. "You know if you don't put on your shoes.....you won't get to spend time with Frigga" Ellisif pulls a face, knowing what he is doing. "And you know that when Frigga visits....she always brings gifts" Ellisif snatches the shoes from Bucky and hurries to pull them on. Steve smirks amused, moving to North's side. This dinner is important to North. It is a monthly thing. Dinner with Thor and Loki and Frigga, along with Jane, Darcy, and Wanda. A family dinner. All of them together. It's for North to spend time with her mother and for Frigga to get to know and bond with her children's partners and her granddaughter. North was right about Frigga, she is a wonderful grandmother.


Bucky smiles at his daughter at his side as she talks with her grandmother. Frigga visits as often as her duty allows it. Doting and loving on her granddaughter. Their first granddaughter. Ellisif wears a flower crown that had been weaved by Frigga's ladies in waiting as a gift for her. Frigga always brings gifts for Ellisif, spoiling the girl as any princess deserves. As Ellisif deserves. The family is gathered around a large table, covered in food as they talk and laugh and bond with one another. Bucky has to admit that he likes this. These people. This life. What he has now. The loves of his life. His daughter. This huge extended family. He glances over at Steve and North who are sat together across from Bucky, Steve leant in close to whisper to North who smirks slightly. He's been a little more attentive to North recently. Bucky knows why. It was the same back when North was pregnant with Ellisif and Bucky was very attentive. Now she's pregnant again, and it's Steve's biological spawn inside of her, so he's been very present and tactile. But Bucky likes watching the two of them together, watching North show how far she's come. To think that 70 years ago Steve and North were on opposite sides of the war, that they were trying to kill one another. It shows that North and Steve have come a long way. That they have all put their past behind them and moved on. Bucky looks down at a hand-drawn picture of a dress that Ellisif set in front of them. He glances at her and she then pokes the picture. She's been dropping these sorts of hints since she could understand that there is an upcoming wedding. She wants a pretty dress to wear. Bucky smiles and strokes her hair before picking up the picture. She's drawn it herself and there is no way it is practical, he'll talk to Tony about finding a designer that'll get close to the design, just like all the others. Whilst they are Asgardian married, they have yet to have an Earth wedding. It will be a big deal to the world. Captain America getting married. And to two former Hydra assets. It's been a lot more difficult to plan their Earth wedding as there have been issues with North being granted certain visas and certain government departments being against Bucky and North's freedom. But it is going to happen whether or not the government like it. It has happened, they are technically already married, just in Asgard. It is getting to the point that they might just have to do it and damn the consequences.


Later, Bucky leans against the restaurant bar with a drink, his eyes on North as she moves closer to him, joining him. Her deep green dress swirling with her. Bucky smiles warmly at her as they both then turn to watch Steve and Ellisif together on the little dance floor set up.

"He's a great dad" Bucky comments, North hums and nods. Steve's been amazing with Ellisif. He will be with his own child too. North touches her stomach and smiles to herself. Not long left to go before he'll prove her right on that too. "Six years ago I never thought any of this possible" Bucky admits sadly. "I thought Hydra was going to control my life until I...until I took my last breath" North touches his back and shifts closer to him. "I thought I didn't....deserve anything like this"

"Hey" She whispers softly, he looks at her. "I thought that too" She admits, he nods. He knows. They were in the same position. Both broken and bent by Hydra. Both beaten down and left to feel worthless. But then along came Steve and his Avengers. He saved them both. Fave them things they never thought they'd get. Bucky wraps an arm around North's shoulders and pulls her closer to him. But they do have all of this. They have freedom and a beautiful child. A loving partner. North leans into his side and he kisses her head. After everything that Hydra did to them, after everything they went through. Everything they lost and all the pain. They finally get their happily ever after. A family. A daughter. Friends. A home.


Oskar Joseph Rogers-Barnes is born on Asgard three months later and the following year, Steve, Bucky and North finally are allowed to marry in a 'Midgardian' ceremony and Ellisif is the perfect little flower girl for her parents. North and Bucky enjoy their freedom. Steve finds love and compassion in a family he never thought he'd get.

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