Army peter pt3

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There's a panic attack in this and I've never had one but Ive read other fics with them so I tried to make it seem real and I'm sorry if it isn't exactly right. There's a trigger warning when it starts.

Peter and Morgan waited until the bell rang and went outside.
"Ok morgan this is the plan" peter said

Morgan saw tony arrive and ran over to his car.
"Hey Dad!" She said as she slid into the car, in the back seat opposite of tony. As she entered so did peter on the other side ducking to hide
"How was school munchkin?" Tony responded starting the car
"Good, I saw someone today that I haven't seen in a while, they went on a trip."
"Oh that's good! Who was it?"
"Hey dad" peter said
Tony stepped on the brakes quickly
"Peter!" He yelled getting out of the car and opening the back and hugging him
"I missed you so much kid" tony said crying
"Me too dad I missed you"
"When did you get back!?" Tony questioned
"Just today I surprised Morgan first." Peter replied
Tony kissed peters forehead and squealed him tighter. They stayed in the hug for a while and then they got back in the car and started home.

Peter forgot what it was like driving in New York, every time a car honked he flinched a little, which didn't go unnoticed by tony or Morgan. It reminded peter of gunshots or bombs. He used to be able to deal with loud noises but ever since it happened he just couldn't.
As they pulled up to cabin they didn't really have a plan on how to surprise pepper they were just going to role with it
Tony walked in first saying "I got the kids!"
"How was scho.... wait kids?" Pepper exclaimed as she rounded the corner.
Peter was by the door "hey mom!"
Pepper ran over to him and crushed him in a hug "oh my beautiful boy, I've missed you" she said lovingly
"I missed you too mom" peter responded
For the rest of the day the family spent time together and just appreciated being all home.
And then came night.
Peter went to his room after saying goodnight to his parents and Morgan. Peter fell asleep a little while later after moving to the floor because the bed was to soft.
Peter's dream:
Peter was hiding behind a bolder with Jake as shots fired.
"There's to many I don't know if we'll make it" Jake said
"We can do this" Peter replied
"No mourners" peter said
"No funerals" Jake replied
They ran out guns blazing
Taking down the other armies soldiers. That's when peter heard it, the ticking.
He looked over to Jake right as the bomb went off
"NOOOO" Peter screamed
Trigger warning
Peter shot up out off the floor. He couldn't breath, he couldn't see anything. Peter kept seeing jakes face over and over again. "No, no, no" he kept saying.
"I couldn't save him, it's my fault" was all he could think. All he knew was he couldn't breath, he couldn't not when Jake wasn't either. His vision was blurry and he had tears streaming down his face while looking for someone's contact. He pressed it and heard the ringing. It picked up on the third ring. "Pete?" The guy questioned
"N..ic..k" Peter stuttered out.
"Pete calm down listen to my breathing, try to copy it. In... out..."
Peter followed along calming down
"name five things you know" nick said softly
"Uh I'm peter, your nick, my favorite colors red, my favorite superhero's Ironman, and my little sister is morgan" Peter replied
"Four things you can see" nick said
"The floor, my phone, my bed, and the door"
"Three things you can feel"
"My phone case, the floor boards, my shorts"
"Two things you can hear"
"You and my dad's snores"
"Good, one thing you can smell"
"The wood"
"How do you feel Pete" nick asked
"Better thank you" peter replied
End of it
"Want to talk about it" nick asked, already for knowing what it probably was about
"No not really" peter replied
"Ok pete just know it wasn't your fault" nick said
Peter didn't reply
"Goodnight Pete try to get some sleep"
"Thx I'll try have a good day Nicky"
(They're in different time zones, it's day time for nick)
Peter hung up and checked the time
It was 4:13 am. He knew he wasn't going to sleep again so he tip toed out of his room and down to the gym they had. He wrapped his hands and started punching a bag letting all his stress and fears go.

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